Sir John William Tyler

Personal profile



Sir J. W. Tyler
Bestowal Document for
The Most Eminent Order of
the Indian Empire, C.I.E.

Letter of thanks from Queen Victoria,
from Balmoral, 27 September 1886

AD 1886/07/27

The London Gazette, May 1, 1888

AD 1888/05/01

The London Gazette
for the knighthood and C.I.E.
of John William Tyler

AD 1888/04/30

Letter of congratulations for the 1887 Jubilee
from the Maharaja of Bhartpur,
5 May Balmoral

AD 1887/05/05

Letter of congratulations for the 1887 Jubilee
from the Maharaja of Bhartpur,
5 May Balmoral

AD 1887/05/05

Letters patent and wax seal for
John William Tyler’s Knight Bachelor

Item number: M263-1, M263-2, C132-M263, C133-M263, C134-M263, C135-M263, C136-M263

Year: AD 1840-1913

Provenance: Spink 2024

Sir John William Taylor, C.I.E., a distinguished British-Indian medical officer, attended the Doveton College in Calcutta, India. In AD 1861, he went to the United Kingdom where he obtained licences from the Pharmaceutical Society (L.S.A), the Royal College of Surgeons (M.R.C.S), and the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (R.C.P.E). Subsequently, he earned a Doctor of Medicine degree from St. Andrews University and was appointed to the Medical Services of the North-Western Provinces in AD 1863, serving as a surgeon.

Taylor later served as the Superintendent of the Agra Central Jail from AD 1876, a position he held for 14 years. Under his leadership, the Agra Central Jail became renowned for its high-quality carpet production. Taylor escorted 34 Indians (mostly prisoners) to the Colonial and Indian Exhibition held in London in AD 1886, where their exquisitely woven carpets garnered significant attention.

Following the exhibition, Taylor’s exceptional performance earned him the third-class Indian Empire Medal, and in AD 1888, he was knighted. Queen Victoria, who had long been interested in the Indian territories, was deeply impressed by the exhibition, which further enhanced her appreciation of Indian culture.

On the occasion of Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee, Sir John William Taylor, at the Queen’s request, brought two Indian servants as gifts for her. One of them, Abdul Karim, was the son of a hospital assistant from Agra. Over time, Karim developed a peculiar and profound relationship with the Queen, transcending race and class boundaries.

When the Queen first met Abdul Karim, she described him in her diary as “tall with a fine serious countenance.” After the Jubilee celebrations, Karim accompanied the Queen to her summer residence. He prepared curry chicken using spices from Agra, a dish that the Queen greatly enjoyed and eventually included in her regular menu. Subsequently, the Queen expressed a desire to learn more about Indian culture and began studying Urdu (Hindustani) with Karim. Karim was promoted from a servant to a clerk and soon became the Queen’s Munshi, her first Indian personal secretary. As their time together increased, the bond between Karim and the Queen deepened.

Queen Victoria, having been deeply affected by the death of her husband Prince Albert in AD 1861 and having remained in mourning ever since, found solace in her relationship with Karim. The Queen’s diaries are filled with praise for Karim, describing him as “He is so good & gentle & understanding all I want is a real comfort to me”.

Not only did the Queen commission a portrait of Karim, but she also bestowed upon him numerous privileges and honours. She treated Karim’s family with great kindness and maintained frequent correspondence with him, signing her letters as “Your closest friend.” Karim became the Queen’s most intimate confidant. Given that Karim was a gift from Sir John William Taylor, the relationship among the three was inextricably linked. Whenever Karim was on leave, he would stay with Sir John William Taylor, further underscoring Taylor’s crucial role in their relationship.

Despite the Queen’s respect for Karim, his elevated status provoked discontent among other royal family members and courtiers, who deemed it inappropriate for an Indian servant to receive such treatment. The presence of an Indian servant at the royal table offended many, and the relationship was considered a scandal by the royal household. After Karim’s death, his existence was erased from royal history, and all correspondence between him and the Queen was destroyed. It was only a century later, when a journalist visiting the Queen’s summer residence discovered a portrait of Abdul Karim, that this extraordinary story was uncovered through a five-year investigation and published. In AD 2017, this story was even made into a movie named “Victoria & Abdul.”

物件編號: M263-1, M263-2, C132-M263, C133-M263, C134-M263, C135-M263, C136-M263

年代: 公元 1840-1913 年

來源: 斯賓克拍賣行 2024

約翰·威廉·泰勒爵士(Sir John William Tylor, C.I.E.),一位著名的英印裔醫療官員。他就讀印度加爾各答的多夫頓醫學院。公元1861年,他前往英國並取得了藥劑師協會(L.S.A),皇家外科學院(M.R.C.S)以及愛丁堡皇家內科醫學院(RCPE)的執照。隨後,在聖安德魯斯大學取得醫學博士學位,並在公元1863年被任命到西北省分的醫療服務機構,成為一名外科醫師。而後,泰勒在公元1876年擔任阿格拉中央監獄的監獄長,擔任該職位長達14年,阿格拉中央監獄在他的領導下成為優質地毯的製造中心,約翰·威廉·泰勒護送34名印度人(其中大部分為囚犯)參加公元1886年於倫敦舉辦的殖民地與印度展覽會,展示了這些工匠編織的精緻地毯。他們的作品引起了廣泛的關注。







