Eight-Nation Alliance German China Campaign Medal 1900-1901(With Taku, Peking, Kaumi, Kalgan, Kitchou Clasps) 八國聯軍 中國紀念獎章 1900-1901(附大沽, 北京, 高密, 張家口, 薊州銘牌)

Eight-Nation Alliance German China Campaign Medal 1900-

Eight-Nation Alliance German China Campaign Medal 1900-1901(With Taku, Peking, Kaumi, Kalgan, Kitchou Clasps) 八國聯軍 中國紀念獎章 1900-1901(附大沽, 北京, 高密, 張家口, 薊州銘牌) 閱讀全文 »

Red Eagle Order, type IV, Order of the Saints Maurice and Lazarus, and The National Order of the Legion of Honour, 2nd Empire(miniature)第四型紅鷹勳章、聖莫里茲和拉撒路騎士勳章,以及第二帝國榮譽軍團勳章(迷你版)

Red Eagle Order, type IV, Order of the Saints Maurice a

Red Eagle Order, type IV, Order of the Saints Maurice and Lazarus, and The National Order of the Legion of Honour, 2nd Empire(miniature)第四型紅鷹勳章、聖莫里茲和拉撒路騎士勳章,以及第二帝國榮譽軍團勳章(迷你版) 閱讀全文 »
