The Royal and Military Order of Saint Hermenegild

(Full Size), Knight



Item number: M43

Year: AD 1814-1879

Material: Gold and Enamel

Size: Order 50.0 x 30.13 / Ribbon 50.32 x 31.37 mm

Weight: 13.46 g

Provenance: Liverpool Medals 2022

In AD 1814, after the end of the Peninsular War, the restored Ferdinand VII proposed a new regulation for the San Fernando Order and announced the establishment of a new decoration to reward outstanding military performance on the battlefield. This proposal originated from the personal will of the king, and the new decoration was named after Saint Hermenegild, the patron saint of the Spanish army—a 6th-century figure who resisted his father, the Visigothic king, for the sake of his faith. Thus, the the Royal and Military Order of Saint Hermenegild (Real y Militar Orden de San Hermenegildo) was established to commemorate this saint and to inspire and commend military personnel who demonstrated remarkable performance in battle.

The monarch of Spain is the Sovereign of the Order. The Order is governed by three governing bodies: the Chapter, the Permanent Assembly and the Chancellery. The Order comprises a total of four grades, with the first three ranks conferred in the form of a star-shaped medal, while only the lowest rank, the Knight, is awarded as a breast badge. (See table)

The grades of Order
Grand Cross Star
Commander star
Knight badge

This item is a basic Knight’s class Order, featuring a white enamel-painted Maltese cross with a suspended crown symbolizing the royal family. During the Second Spanish Republic in AD 1931, which compelled the abdication of the Spanish monarchy, the Republican government temporarily removed the royal title and the suspend crown from the decoration. Subsequently, under the Franco regime, which emerged victorious in the Spanish Civil War, the previous specifications were reinstated in AD 1951.

A golden portrait of Saint Hermenegild is set against a navy blue enamel background, on the central circular shield of the obverse side. Encircled by a light blue circular border with a gold edge, this shield bears the legend “Award for Military Constancy” (PREMIO A LA CONSTANCIA MILITAR). On the reverse side of the gold circular shield, Ferdinand VII’s royal emblem “F.VII.” is engraved. The ribbon of the medal is made of white silk, featuring a wide peach-colored stripe in the middle and narrow stripes in the same colour on each side. At the top of the ribbon is a brass pin for secure attachment to the left chest.

物件編號: M43

年代: 公元 1814-1879 年

材質: 黃金, 琺瑯

尺寸: 勳章 50.0 x 30.13 / 綬帶 50.32 x 31.37 mm

重量: 13.46 g

來源: 利物浦獎章 2022

公元1814年,半島戰爭結束後,復辟的斐迪南七世在討論聖斐迪南勳章的新規範時提出,同時宣告創立一個新的勳章,以獎勵在戰場上表現傑出的官兵。這個提議是出自國王個人意願,該新勳章以西班牙軍隊的守護神聖赫爾梅內吉爾德的名字命名,這位守護神是公元六世紀時一位為了信仰而抵抗父親的西哥德王國王子。因此,成立了聖赫爾梅內吉爾德勳章(Real y Militar Orden de San Hermenegildo),以紀念這位聖人,同時激勵和表揚那些在戰場上顯著表現的軍事人員。




在正面中央的圓盾處,是搭配深藍色琺瑯背景的金質聖赫爾梅內吉爾德騎士像。周圍鑲著金邊的淺藍色圓環部位,刻著銘文「長期服役獎勵」(PREMIO A LA CONSTANCIA MILITAR)。金質圓盾的背面,則刻有斐迪南七世的皇家記號「F.VII.」。勳章的綬帶配色,是一條中間有寬桃紅色條紋,兩側則是窄桃紅色條紋的白色絲帶。在綬帶的最上方,則是一個固定別針於左胸側的黃銅頂欄。

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西班牙 托萊多軍事博物館 Army Museum

Antonio Prieto Barrio


Borna Barac, Reference Catalogue Orders Medals and Decorations of the World : instituted until 1945 : Part IV Bronze Book P-Z (Craotia:OBOL d.o.o. Zagreb, 2010)
