Order of Merit of Philip the Magnanimous  

Knight’s Cross 2nd Class with Crown


Item number: M2

Year: AD 1849-1918

Material: Gold and Enamel

Size: 69.0 x 40.0 mm

Weight: 12.78 g

Provenance: Dixons Medals 2022

The establishment of this order on May 1, AD 1840, by Grand Duke Ludwig II commemorated the ancestral figure of the house, Philip I, on his name day, designed as a comprehensive recognition of merit. Initially, the order comprised four classes: Grand Cross, Commander 1st and 2nd Class, and Knight. In AD 1849, the Silver Cross was added as the 5th class, and the addition of swords was also permitted in the same year. Subsequently, in AD 1859, the Knight class underwent division into 1st and 2nd classes. On March 14, AD 1876, the order was renamed the Grand Ducal Hessian Philipps Order (Großherzoglich Hessischer Philipps-Orden), though this change was rescinded on November 14, AD 1877.

Commencing from AD 1893, the conferral of swords became contingent upon military merit; however, awards to civilians were still possible. Additionally, as a particular contribution, a gold crown was added starting from December 1, AD 1881. By AD 1893, the bestowal of swords was limited to outstanding achievements during wartime. In AD 1900, the Cross of Honor was introduced, positioned between Commander 2nd Class and Knight 1st Class.

Type I
(AD 1840-1849)
The observe: Philip as a whole figure
Type II
(AD 1849-1918)
The observe: Philip as a half-length portrait, turning to the left

The order encompassed seven distinct classes:

  • Grand Cross
  • Commander 1st class
  • Commander 2nd class
  • Cross of Honor
  • Knight 1st class
  • Knight 2nd class
  • Silver Cross

Following the aftermath of the First World War and the subsequent downfall of the German monarchies, the order was formally abolished in AD 1919.

This is an order of type 2 Knight’s 2nd class, featuring a Templar cross enameled in gold and white, with a central medallion portraying the left-facing golden bust of Philip. Surrounding this medallion is a white enamel band inscribed with golden letters ‘SI DEUS NOBISCUM QUIS CONTRA NOS’ (If God is with us, who can be against us) (Romans 8:31 ESV). On the reverse, a crowned Hessian lion, adorned with multiple stripes, holds an upward-pointing sword in its right paw. The outer rim bears the inscription ‘LUDOVICUS II MAGN. DUX HASSIAE INSTIT.’ (Ludwig II, Grand Duke of Hesse, instituted). A golden crown adorns the suspension ring.

物件編號: M2

年代: 公元 1849-1918 年

材質: 黃金, 琺瑯

尺寸: 69.0 x 40.0 mm

重量: 12.78 g

來源: 迪生獎章 2022

此勳章於公元1840年5月1日由路德維希二世大公(Grand Duke Ludwig II)建立,其名字是為紀念了菲利普一世的家族祖先——菲利普一世(Philip I),當日亦是他的命名日。最初,該勳章包括四個等級:大十字級、指揮官一級和二級,以及騎士級。公元1849年,銀質十字級被添加為第五級,同年也開始允許附加佩劍裝飾。隨後,在公元1859年,騎士等級被拆分為一級和二級。公元1876年3月14日,該勳章更名為大公國黑森大公國菲利普勳章(Großherzoglich Hessischer Philipps-Orden),但此更改於公元1877年11月14日被撤銷。



  • 大十字級
  • 指揮官一級
  • 指揮官二級
  • 榮譽十字級
  • 騎士一級
  • 騎士二級
  • 銀質十字級


第一版 (公元1840-1849)正面:菲利普全身像
第二版 (公元1849-1918)正面:菲利普半身像,面向左

此勳章屬第二版騎士二級,呈白卬聖殿騎士團十字,中央飾有向左的黃金菲利普半身像。圍繞半身像的是一圈白色琺琅,上面以金色刻上“SI DEUS NOBISCUM QUIS CONTRA NOS”(如果上帝與我們同在,誰能與我們對抗)(羅馬書 8:31)。在背面,一頭戴有多條條紋的黑森獅子,右爪持有一柄指向上方的劍。外圍刻有“LUDOVICUS II MAGN. DUX HASSIAE INSTIT.”(路德維希二世,黑森大公,創立)的字樣。一頂金色皇冠裝飾在懸掛環上。

類似/相同物件 請看:

德國 歷史博物館 German Historical Museum





Ehrenzeichen-orden.Ritterkreuz 1.Klasse mit Krone


Maximilian Gritzner : Handbook of the orders of knighthood and merit of all civilized states in the world . Leipzig 1893


Vladimir Anatolyevich Baryatinsky humus.livejournal.com/3951032.html
