Khurshid of Tabaristan

½ Drachm



Item number: A13

Year: AD 741-761

Material: Silver

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2023

In AD 641, the Arabs defeated the Sasanian Empire, establishing their dominion over the Iranian plateau. Subsequently, remnants of the Sasanian dynasty formed the Dabuyid dynasty in the Tabaristan region along the shores of the Caspian Sea until its conquest by the Abbasid Empire in AD 761. This coin was minted during the reign of the last ruler of the dynasty, Khurshid of Tabaristan (AD 741-761).

The obverse side features a crowned right-facing portrait of the king, with crescents and stars decorating the outer rim at the twelve, three, six, and nine o’clock positions. Pahlavi script was inscribed at the bottom as “pd/nwk'”, meaning “Outstanding.”

On the reverse side is an indigenous religious symbol originating from Persia, the Zoroastriam (or Mazdaism) fire altar, flanked by priests wearing crowns and holding swords. Similar to the obverse side, there are crescents and stars adorning the outer edges at the four cardinal points. These coin designs, incorporating Persian indigenous elements, continued to be employed by subsequent Arab rulers even after the fall of the Dabuyid dynasty, signifying the enduring influence of Persian culture on the Islamic world.

物件編號: A13

年代: 公元 741-761 年


來源: 福君錢幣 2023

公元641年,阿拉伯人打敗薩珊王朝,確立其對伊朗高原的統治。此後,薩珊王朝殘部在裏海畔的塔巴里斯坦地區建立達布亞王朝,直到公元761年被阿拔斯帝國征服。該硬幣為王朝末代統治者庫爾希德(Khurshid of Tabaristan,公元741-公元761年)時期所鑄造。



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英國 大英博物館 The British Museum

美國 底特律美術館 Detroit Institute of Arts Museum


安斯沃西 (Axworthy, Michael),《伊朗 :從瑣羅亞斯德到今天的歷史》(新北市:廣場文化,2018)

Hodge Malek, “Tabaristan during the ‘Abbasid period: The overlapping coinage of the governors and other officials (144-178H),” Iranian Numismatic Studies: A Volume in Honor of Stephen Album, ed. M. Faghfoury (Classical Numismatic Group),2017, pp. 71-78.
