Bishopric of Salzburg

Wolf Dietrich von Raitenau

2 Ducats

(With Coin Bezel)





Item number: A1160

Year: AD 1595

Material: Gold

Size: 32.9 x 27.3 x 1.3 mm

Weight: 8.75 g

Provenance: Künker 2024

This is a Ducat gold coin minted in AD 1595 under the administration of Wolf Dietrich von Raitenau, during his tenure as ruler of the Prince-Archbishopric of Salzburg, a territory within the Holy Roman Empire. The coin has been modified with an added border, transforming it into a pendant for use as a necklace.

The obverse of the gold coin features the double-headed eagle emblem, symbolising the Holy Roman Empire. The eagle and the surrounding Latin inscription are separated by dotted and teardrop-shaped beads of varying sizes. The Latin inscription, “RVDOL. II: IMPE: AVGVS: P: F: DECRET.”, refers to the name and titles of Rudolf II, the reigning emperor of the Holy Roman Empire at the time.

The reverse of the gold coin features the coat of arms of Wolf Dietrich von Raitenau, the reigning Archbishop of Salzburg, placed at the centre in a shield design. To the left and right of the shield are the letters “S” and “R”, respectively. Above the coat of arms is the figure of a bishop holding a crozier and a salt cellar, symbolising Salzburg’s historical association with salt production. Similar to the obverse, the coat of arms and outer inscription are separated by dotted and teardrop-shaped beads. The Latin inscription reads: “WOL. TEOD: D: G: AREPS. SAL: AP. SE: LE: 1595”, denoting the archbishop’s name, titles, and the coin’s minting year.

The Prince-Archbishopric was a unique political entity that flourished within the Holy Roman Empire, reflecting the significant influence of the Catholic Church on European politics. The Prince-Archbishopric of Salzburg was located within present-day Austria, with its capital in Salzburg, and actively participated in the affairs of the Bavarian Circle (Bayerischer Reichskreis), an administrative division within the empire.

During the tenure of Wolf Dietrich von Raitenau as archbishop (AD 1587–AD 1612), Salzburg underwent extensive Baroque urban development, which earned it the nickname the “Rome of the North.” It was under his leadership that the city began to transform into a cultural and architectural hub. Notably, the renowned composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born and raised in Salzburg.

物件編號: A1160

年代: 公元 1595 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 32.9 x 27.3 x 1.3 mm

重量: 8.75 g

來源: 昆克 2024


金幣正面為象徵神聖羅馬帝國的雙頭鷹徽,鷹徽跟外環的拉丁銘文以大小不一的點狀和淚滴狀珠點作為分界,拉丁銘文「RVDOL. II: IMPE: AVGVS: P: F: DECRET.」為時任神聖羅馬帝國皇帝的魯道夫二世名諱和頭銜。

金幣背面中央是時任薩爾茲堡大主教的沃爾夫·迪特里希·馮·雷特瑙盾型家徽,盾牌左右兩側各打印「S R」記號,上方則是一個手持牧杖和鹽窖的主教形象。家徽跟外環的銘文同樣以點狀和淚滴狀珠點作為分界,拉丁銘文「WOL. TEOD: D: G: AREPS. SAL: AP. SE: LE: 1595」為大主教的名諱頭銜跟鑄造年份。


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美國 厄巴纳美術館 America Spurlock Museum

美國 錢幣學會 American Numismatic Society

