Free Hanseatic City of Bremen

12 Grote



Item number: A1188

Year: AD 1859

Material: Silver

Size: 21.7 x 21.7 x 1.0 mm

Weight: 3.9 g

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024

This is a silver coin issued in AD 1859 by the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, a key port city on the North Sea. The coin features reeded edges with a square hole pattern, produced by machine minting. On the obverse, a wreath of knotted oak leaves serves as decoration. The face value is marked as “12 Grote,” a denomination historically used for silver coins from the medieval period through the modern era across Europe. Below the face value, the inscription “1859 11 L. 15 G.” indicates the coin’s year of issue and silver purity.

The reverse side of the coin features the coat of arms of Bremen, depicting a Gothic-style key set against a shield, with a crown adorning the top of the shield. The key symbolises Saint Peter, the patron saint of Bremen Cathedral. A local proverb reflects Bremen’s significance: “Hamburg is the gateway to the world, and Bremen is the key to that gate.” Surrounding the design is the German inscription “FREIE HANSESTADT BREMEN,” meaning “Free Hanseatic City of Bremen.”

Bremen is located on the lower reaches of the Weser River, leading to the North Sea. During the Middle Ages, it enjoyed a high degree of autonomy within the Holy Roman Empire and, in AD 1260, joined the Hanseatic League, the most important commercial network in the North Sea region, establishing itself as a major port city. To this day, Bremen remains Germany’s second-largest port. Additionally, the city serves as the setting for “The Town Musicians of Bremen,” a famous tale from the Grimm Brothers’ Fairy Tales, featuring animals as the main protagonists.

物件編號: A1188

年代: 公元 1859 年


尺寸: 21.7 x 21.7 x 1.0 mm

重量: 3.9 g

來源: 福君錢幣 2024

這是一枚公元1859年,濱臨北海的重要港口城市「布萊梅漢薩自由市」發行的銀幣。錢幣側邊有方孔造型的齒邊,以機器鑄造而成。錢幣正面以打結的橡葉花環作為裝飾,錢幣正面標示面額為「12格羅特」,格羅特為中世紀沿用到近代,歐洲用於銀幣的一種面額單位。下方是標示年代和純度的「1859 11 L. 15 G.」字樣。

錢幣背面是布萊梅市徽,一個以盾牌為背景的哥德風格鑰匙,盾牌上頭以一頂王冠作為裝飾。鑰匙為布萊梅大教堂主保聖人「使徒彼得」的象徵,當地更流傳一句俗諺「漢堡是通往世界的大門,布萊梅是這扇門的鑰匙」彰顯布萊梅的重要性。錢幣周圍是德語銘文「FREIE HANSESTADT BREMEN」即「布萊梅漢薩自由市」。


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