Republic of the Seven United Netherland

Rejection of peace negotiations by the States General





Item number: A1176

Year: AD 1591

Material: Copper

Size: 29.5 x 29.4 x 0.7 mm

Weight: 6.2 g

Manufactured by: Dordrecht, South Holland

Provenance: Jeans Elsen & ses Fils 2024

This is a token issued by the United Provinces of the Netherlands, intended to symbolise their determination to resist Spain. On the obverse, at the centre, a woman is depicted resting within a garden enclosure, holding a shield bearing a lion, which represents the Netherlands. Opposite her is a Spanish envoy holding an olive branch. While negotiations are ongoing, in the background, Spanish forces bearing the flag of the Spanish Netherlands are gathered, ready to attack. The Latin inscription around the edge, “PAX PATET INSIDIIS,” translates to “Peace is vulnerable to treachery.” Below is the date of issuance. On the reverse, the woman in the garden and soldiers are shown repelling the attacking enemies, symbolising the success of the Dutch in the Eighty Years’ War. The Latin inscription around the edge, “TVTA SALVS BELLO,” translates to “Safety through war.”

The Eighty Years’ War was a series of armed conflicts in which the provinces of the Spanish Netherlands rebelled against Habsburg Spain. The causes of the war included both economic and religious factors, such as excessive taxation and the enforcement of the Inquisition, which sparked resistance in the Netherlands, a region where Protestantism was gaining ground and capitalism was emerging. In AD 1581, the signing of the Act of Abjuration formally declared the provinces’ refusal to recognise the authority of the Spanish king. However, the uncertainty surrounding the transfer of sovereignty led to the Netherlands becoming a republic after independence, rather than a kingdom.

物件編號: A1176

年代: 公元 1591 年


尺寸: 29.5 x 29.4 x 0.7 mm

重量: 6.2 g

製造地: 多德雷赫特 南荷蘭省

來源: 比利時 Jean Elsen & ses Fils拍賣 2024

這是一枚由尼德蘭七省聯合共和國所發行的代幣,其目的在於展現與西班牙抗爭到底的決心。正面中央為在花園籬笆內休息的女人,其盾牌帶有獅子,象徵尼德蘭,與之相對的是手持橄欖枝的西班牙使者。談判的同時,後方帶有西屬尼德蘭旗幟的軍隊,在外圍集結準備攻擊。外圈的拉丁銘文「PAX PATET INSIDIIS」的意思為和平易受襲擊,下方則是發行時間。反面中央則是花園中女人及士兵擊退來犯的敵人,象徵荷蘭獨立戰爭的成功。外圈的拉丁銘文「TVTA SALVS BELLO」的意思為戰爭帶來安全。


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荷蘭 鹿特丹博物館 Museum Rotterdam

荷蘭 澤蘭博物館Zeeuws Museum

