Qing Dynasty, 10 Cents,

Emperor Guangxu 23th,

Peiyang Arsenal

Item number: A05

Year: AD 1897

Material: Silver

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2023

The Peiyang Arsenal, located in Tianjin, Hebei Province, later known as the Tientsin Mint, initiated the casting of a set of five silver coins in the 22nd year of the Guangxu reign (AD 1896). The coin denominations included one dollar, fifty cents, twenty cents, ten cents, and five cents. The design persisted in the 23rd and 24th years of the Guangxu reign.

The obverse design of this coin comprises three concentric circles separated by two beaded borders. The innermost circle bears the denomination “ten cents,” inscribed in traditional Chinese script, while the middle circle features a continuous band of Manchu script, conveying the message “Made by the Peiyang Arsenal in the 23rd year of the Guangxu reign of the Great Qing.” The outer circle is encircled with the inscriptions “Great Qing,” “Guangxu twenty-third year,” and “Made by the Peiyang Arsenal,” interspersed with five-pointed stars.

On the reverse side, the coin displays a central motif of a coiled dragon playing with a pearl, surrounded by an English inscription reading “TA. TSING. TWENTY THIRD YEAR OF KUANG HSÜ.” and “PEI YANG ARSENAL.” This outer circle is additionally adorned with five-pointed stars. Both faces of the coin exhibit inner serrations and outer borders, with toothed edges defining the coin’s periphery.

清 一角



物件編號: A05

年代: 公元 1897 年


來源: 福君錢幣2023


此幣幣面以二道珠圈分隔為三圈,內圈為幣值「一角」直書,中圈為滿文一圈,意為「大清光緒二十三年北洋機器局造」,外圈環鑄「大清」、「光緒二十三年」、「北洋機器局造」字樣,並以五角星為間隔,錢背中央為正面的蟠龍戲珠圖案,周圍環有「TA. TSING. TWENTY THIRD YEAR OF KUANG HSÜ.」及「PEI YANG ARSENAL.」英文字樣,並以五角星間隔,雙面皆具內齒及外廓,幣邊為齒邊。

類似/相同物件 請看:

文化部典藏網 Ministry of Culture



林國明 編,《中國近代機制金銀幣目錄》(上海:上海科學技術出版社,2021)
