Republic of Guatemala

Rafael Carrera

5 Pesos




Item number: A1201

Year: AD 1869

Material: Gold

Size: 20.2 x 20.2 mm

Manufactured by: Guatemala Mint

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024

This is a 5-peso gold coin issued in AD 1869 by Guatemala, located in Central America. The obverse features a right-facing portrait of Rafael Carrera, the first president who established Guatemala’s independence. Surrounding the portrait is the Latin inscription “R CARRERA FUNDADOR DE LA RA. DE GUATEMALA,” meaning “Rafael Carrera, Founder of the Republic of Guatemala.” Additionally, there is a smaller inscription, “FRENER F,” which refers to the full name of the renowned Central American engraver, Jean-Baptiste Frener, who was responsible for the coin’s design.

The reverse of the coin features the early national emblem of Guatemala, which was adapted from the emblem of the Federal Republic of Central America during Guatemala’s initial period of independence. At the centre of the emblem is a heptagonal shield, with a motif of three volcanoes at the bottom. Above the shield is a rising sun, flanked by crossed laurel branches on both sides. The denomination “5 PS.” (5 pesos) is inscribed on either side of the laurel branches, while the issuance year “1869” is found below. The surrounding inscription, “GUATÆ RA S.D.O.M. PROTNE,” is an abbreviation of the country’s name, along with the coin’s gold content, “0.900.”

Following the Age of Discovery, Guatemala became a Spanish colony. In AD 1823, the Spanish colonies in Central America declared independence and formed the Federal Republic of Central America. However, the federation eventually dissolved due to conflicts over regional interests. In AD 1847, military leader Rafael Carrera, who held significant local power, declared Guatemala’s secession from the federation and became its first president. During his presidency, he compelled the Congress to recognise him as president for life and worked to restore significant privileges to the Catholic Church.

物件編號: A1201

年代: 公元 1869 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 20.2 x 20.2 mm

製造地: 瓜地馬拉鑄幣廠

來源: 福君錢幣 2024

這是一枚公元1869年,位於中美洲的瓜地馬拉所發行之5披索面額的金幣。錢幣正面中央為奠定瓜地馬拉獨立的第一任總統:拉斐爾·卡雷拉的右側肖像,周圍環繞著拉丁銘文「R CARRERA FUNDADOR DE LA RA. DE GUATEMALA」,即「拉斐爾·卡雷拉,瓜地馬拉共和國創始人」。此外尚有一個較為嬌小的銘文「FRENER F」,即負責設計的中美洲知名雕刻師「約翰-巴普蒂斯特·弗雷納」全名。

錢幣背面為瓜地馬拉獨立初期,沿用自中美洲聯邦共和國的初代國徽。國徽中央為一個七邊形盾牌,內部下方有三座火山的圖騰。盾牌外面有一顆上升的太陽,兩側為交叉的月桂枝葉。月桂葉兩側標示5披索面額「5 PS.」,下方為發行年份「1869」。周圍的銘文「GUATÆ RA S.D.O.M. PROTNE」為國名縮寫,和錢幣的含金量「0.900」。


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英國 大英博物館 The British Museum

美國 錢幣學會 American Numismatic Society

