First Syrian Republic

1 Syrian Pound



Item number: A1157

Year: AD 1950

Material: Gold

Size: 20.8 x 20.8 x 1.2 mm

Weight: 6.75 g

Manufactured by: Philadelphia Mint

Provenance: Künker 2024

This is a 1 Syrian pound gold coin issued in AD 1950 by the First Syrian Republic. The obverse features the “Eagle of Quraish,” which served as the national emblem of the republic. The shield within the eagle displays three five-pointed stars, symbolising the three provinces that comprise modern Syria: Aleppo, Damascus, and Al-Jazira. Below the eagle, a scroll is inscribed with the Arabic name of the country, “الجمهورية السورية” (Syrian Republic), followed by the Western year “١٩٥٠” (1950) and the Hijri year “١٣٦٩” (1369) in Arabic numerals. The coin’s edge is adorned with geometric patterns in the Islamic style.

The reverse side of the coin is adorned with crossed leaves and vines, with the vines forming a rectangular frame at the centre. Inside the frame, the country’s name, “الجمهورية السورية” (Syrian Republic), is inscribed in Arabic.

Syria is one of the cradles of human civilisation and a significant centre in the Islamic world. Modern Syria began after the end of World War I, when it became a French mandate following the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. Syria officially declared independence in AD 1946. After independence, the country experienced several military coups before the establishment of Hafez al-Assad’s authoritarian regime in AD 1971. Despite the ongoing challenges of the Syrian Civil War, which began in AD 2011, the country remains under the control of Hafez’s son, Bashar al-Assad.

物件編號: A1157

年代: 公元 1950 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 20.8 x 20.8 x 1.2 mm

重量: 6.75 g

製造地: 費城造幣廠

來源: 昆克 2024

這是一枚公元1950年,敘利亞第一共和國發行的 1敘利亞鎊金幣。金幣正面中央是作為共和國國徽的「古萊什之鷹」,盾牌裡面的三枚五角星,象徵組成現代敘利亞的「阿勒坡、大馬士革和賈茲拉」三個行省。鷹徽下方的卷軸鐫刻阿拉伯文國名「الجمهورية السورية」(敘利亞共和國),再下面則是阿拉伯數字標示的西曆「١٩٥٠」(1950)和回曆「١٣٦٩」(1369)。錢幣周圍以伊斯蘭風格幾何圖案裝飾。

錢幣背面以交叉的樹葉和藤蔓作為裝飾,藤蔓在正中央圍出一個長方形框,內部以阿拉文標示國名「الجمهورية السورية」(敘利亞共和國)。


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