Order of the Precious Brilliant Golden Grain

(Full Size), 5th Rank



Item number: M246

Year: AD 1912-1929

Material: Silver and Enamel

Size: 128.8 x 49.9 x 5.7 mm

Weight: 31.5 g

Provenance: La Galerie Numismatique 2022

This is the “Order of the Precious Brilliant Golden Grain,” issued on July 9, AD 1912, the first year of the Republic of China, after the Beiyang Government passed the “Order of Medals.” The Order of the Precious Brilliant Golden Grain is the highest rank of medal that could be awarded to individuals other than the President of the Beiyang Government, bestowed upon those who have made outstanding contributions to the nation, academia, or their professions.

The Order of the Precious Brilliant Golden Grain consists of nine ranks and ten types, distinguishable by the wearing position and the ribbon colour:

RankWearing positionRibbon colour
1stOrderwith sashYellow with red edges
2ndOrderwith sash or StarYellow with white edges
3rdOrderwith cravatRed with white edges
4thOrder with ribbon and rosetteRed with white edges
5thOrder with ribbonRed with white edges
6thOrder with ribbon and rosetteBlue with red edges
7thOrder with ribbonBlue with red edges
8thOrder with ribbonWhite with red edges
9thOrder with ribbonBlack with red edges

This order is the fifth rank and is worn with a ribbon on the left chest. The ribbon is red with white edges and designed to resemble a ruyi (scepter) from which the order is suspended. The order itself has an overall appearance of an eight-pointed star, with rays painted in white enamel with gold borders. The centre of the obverse side of the order features a circular section displaying five bundles of rice, symbolising the nation’s foundation in agriculture, against a white background.

The ribbons binding the rice bundles are decorated in the national flag colours of red, yellow, blue, white, and black. Surrounding the white background is a blue circular band adorned with the Beiyang government’s “red, yellow, blue, white, black” dots.

The reverse side of the order has a red enamel background, with the inscription “Order of the Precious Brilliant Golden Grain” in gold seal script.

Since its announcement, notable recipients of the Order of the Precious Brilliant Golden Grain included Yan Tianyou, known as the “Father of Chinese Railways,” and Wu Jintang, a Chinese expatriate in Japan. It was also awarded as a diplomatic gesture to foreign individuals.

On April 16, AD 1929, following the successful Northern Expedition and the relocation of the capital to Nanjing, the National Government issued a decree declaring the cessation of the Order of the Precious Brilliant Golden Grain, along with other Beiyang Government medals.

物件編號: M246

年代: 公元 1912-1929 年

材質: 銀, 琺瑯

尺寸: 128.8 x 49.9 x 5.7 mm

重量: 31.5 g

來源: 貨幣畫廊 2022

這是民國元年(公元1912年) 7月9日,北洋政府通過《勳章令》後頒布的「嘉禾勳章」。嘉禾勳章是北洋政府大總統以外的人能獲得的最高等級勳章,授予對國家、學問和事業有傑出貢獻的人。


二等大綬 / 星章黃底白緣


嘉禾獎章自公告後,著名受獎者有「中國鐵路之父」美名的詹天佑和旅日華僑吳錦堂,亦有作為外交禮儀贈與外籍人士。民國18年(公元1929年) 4月16日,北伐成功和遷都至南京的國民政府頒布命令,宣告停止嘉禾勳章在內的北洋政府獎章。

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