yuan Dynasty,

Da Chao Tong Bao

元朝 大朝通寶銀幣

Item number:

Year: AD 1271-1368

Size: 23.2 x 1.9 mm

Weight: 3.7 g


1. Spink 2023

2. Dr. Werner Burger Collection

Da Chao Tong Bao was issued by Genghis Khan in AD 1227 before he renamed the Mongol Empire as ‘Yuan’. In honor of the Khitan leader Abaoji who united northern China and founded the Liao Dynasty in AD 907, Khan named his new state ‘Da Chao’ as the Chinese character ‘Da’ has one stroke less than the word ‘Tian’. ‘Tian Chao’ could be translated into Heavenly Kingdom, which is the respectful name Genghis Khan called the Liao Dynasty.


年代: 公元 430 年

尺寸: 23.2 x 1.9 mm

重量: 3.7 g


1. 斯賓克拍賣行 2023

2. 布威納博士舊藏

大朝通寶是由成吉思汗將蒙古帝國更名為「元」之前發行的。為了尊重曾統一中國北方並建立了遼朝 (公元907年) 的契丹領袖阿保機 ,成吉思汗將新國家命名為「大朝」,因為漢字「大」比「天」少一筆,此舉也反映出了成吉思汗的巧思!


