Eight-Nation Alliance

Bronze China War Medal

(Full Size, With Relief of Pekin Clasp)




Item number: M198

Year: AD 1902

Material: Bronze

Size: 93.7 x 36.2 x 2.9 mm

Weight: 32.85 g

Provenance: Morton and Eden 2023

This China War Medal (1901) was awarded by the British government in AD 1902 to individuals who participated in the Boxer Rebellion of AD 1900 as part of the Eight-Nation Alliance. Based on the participants’ roles and affiliations, British and British Indian regular forces were awarded silver medals, while the civilian personnel involved in the preparations and Imperial Service Troops from the Indian princely states received bronze medals. This bronze medal was awarded to Bunniah. Mula, a member of the 24th Punjab Infantry provided by the princely states.

The obverse of the medal features a half-length portrait of Queen Victoria, the reigning monarch of Britain at that time. It was designed by the British medalist George William de Saulles. Surrounding the portrait is a Latin inscription that translates to “Victoria Queen and Empress.”

On the reverse side of the medal, the design follows the pattern of the previous two “China War Medals” (AD 1842, AD 1861). It was designed by William Wyon, who served as the Chief Engraver at the Royal Mint. The design depicts a central oval shield with the royal coat of arms, symbolizing the joint protection of the army’s cannon and the navy’s anchor. Behind the shield is a palm tree as a backdrop.

The bottom edge of the medal is of contemporary naming in English running script with the recipient’s name and unit number: “Bunniah. Mula, 24th Pjb: Infy:”.

The medal has a swivel straight bar suspension with claw which connects to the ribbon and the clasp, with the disk of the medal secured to the claw by a rivet. The ribbon has a crimson red base color with yellow stripes on each side for decoration. Depending on the battles participated in, there are three types of clasps: “Relief of Pekin,”“Taku Forts,” and “Defence of Legations.” According to the relevant regulations, the medal is limited to two clasps. The 24th Punjabis Infantry was awarded the “Relief of Pekin” clasp for their participation in the final stages of the conflict.

Total number of clasps:

 Defence of LegationsTaku Forts  Taku Forts/ Relief of PekinRelief of PekinNo Clasp
Source: John Hayward, Diana Birch and Richard Bishop, British Battles and Medals Seventh Edition

Contrary to the stereotypical belief that the British forces in the Eight-Nation Alliance were composed entirely of white soldiers, a significant portion of the troops came from British India. During the Boxer Rebellion, while the British regular army was deeply embroiled in the Second Boer War in South Africa, Britain relied heavily on soldiers from British India and the semi-autonomous princely states to provide the approximately 3,000 troops needed for the China campaign. The 7th Rajput Infantry from India was among the first units to arrive and relieve the besieged foreign legations, which had been under siege for 56 days.

The 24th Punjab Infantry’s origins date back to AD 1857, when it was initially recruited from princely state forces to help the British suppress the Indian Mutiny. Subsequently, the regiment participated in various British campaigns on the northwest frontier of India and in Afghanistan. In AD 1900, the regiment was deployed to northern China to take part in the Boxer Rebellion as part of the Eight-Nation Alliance. It continued to serve the British Empire during both World Wars. After the British ended their rule in the Indian subcontinent in AD 1947, the 24th Punjab Infantry became part of the newly independent Pakistani Army.

物件編號: M198

年代: 公元 1902 年

材質: 青銅

尺寸: 93.7 x 36.2 x 2.9 mm

重量: 32.85 g

來源: 莫頓與伊登 2023


獎章正面是時任英國維多利亞女王的半身像,由英國的獎牌製造師:喬治·威廉·德·索雷斯設計。獎章周圍環繞的拉丁銘文意思是「維多利亞女王暨女皇」。獎章背面的圖案沿用前兩次頒發的「中國戰爭獎章」(1842、1861)設計,由曾擔任皇家鑄幣廠首席雕刻師的威廉·維恩設計,象徵陸軍的大砲和海軍的船錨共同護衛中央刻有皇室家徽的橢圓盾牌,背後以一株棕梠樹作為襯托。於下緣以英文刻有「中國 1900」,上緣則是拉丁文銘文「透過武力訴諸和平」。

獎章下緣以當時代英文草寫字體鐫刻得獎者姓名和部隊番號「布尼亞·穆拉 第24旁遮普步兵團」(Bunniah. Mula, 24th Pjb: Infy:)。



 保衛使館大沽口要塞大沽口要塞/ 解圍北京解圍北京沒有銘牌
資料來源: John Hayward, Diana Birch and Richard Bishop, British Battles and Medals Seventh Edition



類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 格林威治皇家博物館 Royal Museums Greenwich


英國 國家陸軍博物館 National Army Museum


英國 菲茨威廉博物館 The Fitzwilliam Museum


澳洲 維多利亞博物館 Museums Victoria Collections




A.A. Payne, British and Foreign Orders, War Medals and Decorations (London: J.B.Hayward & Son, 1981)

E.C. Joslin, A.R.Litherland, B.T.Simpkin, British Battles and Medals (London: Spink, 1988)

John Hayward, Diana Birch and Richard Bishop, British Battles and Medals Seventh Edition (London: Spink, 2006)

Borna Barac, Reference Catalogue Orders, Medals and Decorations of the World – Part II (Zagreb: OBOL, 2010)
