
War Medal 1873

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戰爭獎章 1873


Item number: M206

Year: AD 1873-1916

Material: Bronze

Size: 74.2 x 36.0 x 2.2 mm

Weight: 24.55 g

Provenance: Aberdeen Medals 2022

This medal was established by the Austro-Hungarian Empire in AD 1873 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the reign of Franz Joseph I. It was awarded to military personnel who participated in all military campaigns from AD 1848 to AD 1916.

The medal is circular and made of bronze. The obverse side features a right-facing portrait of Franz Joseph I wearing a laurel wreath. Around the medal is the inscription “FRANZ. JOSEPH I. KAISER V.ÖESTERREICH KÖENIG V.BÖHMEN ETC. APOST. KÖENIG V. UNGARN,” which translates to “Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria, King of Bohemia, etc., Apostolic King of Hungary.”

The reverse side is decorated with a wreath made of oak and laurel leaves, with a bow at the bottom. In the centre, there are three lines of inscription reading “2. DECEMBER 1873,” the date of establishment of the medal.

The ribbon of the medal consists of yellow and black colours, the symbolic colours of the Habsburg dynasty. It is designed with a yellow base and black lines on each side, with multiple horizontal black lines in the centre. The ribbon is folded into a triangular shape.

This medal was continuously awarded until the death of Franz Joseph I in AD 1916. The scope of the award encompasses the Prusso-Austrian War of AD 1866, as well as the Boxer Rebellion of AD 1900 to AD 1901, etc.

Franz Joseph I (AD 1830-AD 1916) was the Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary, and one of the longest-reigning monarchs in European history. He ascended to the throne in AD 1848 during a period of significant upheaval in Europe, including the revolutions of that year. His empire’s annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in AD 1908, following the Young Turk Revolution in the Ottoman Empire, contributed to tensions in the Balkans. After the assassination of his nephew, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, in AD 1914, Franz Joseph I reluctantly declared war on Serbia, setting off a chain of events that led to World War I.

物件編號: M206

年代: 公元 1873-1916 年


尺寸: 74.2 x 36.0 x 2.2 mm

重量: 24.55 g

來源: 亞伯丁獎章 2022


戰爭獎章的外觀為一枚圓形銅質獎章,正面刻有法蘭茲·約瑟夫一世面向右側的肖像,頭上戴有桂冠,獎章周圍刻有銘文「FRANZ. JOSEPH I. KAISER V.ÖESTERREICH KÖENIG V.BÖHMEN ETC. APOST. KÖENIG V. UNGARN 」,為「法蘭茲·約瑟夫一世 奧地利皇帝 波西米亞國王等 匈牙利使徒國王 」的意思。

獎章背面則刻有由橡樹葉和月桂葉組成的花環,下方有蝴蝶結固定,獎章中央刻著三行銘文「2. DECEMBER 1873」, 為此枚獎章設立的日期。



法蘭茲·約瑟夫一世(公元1830-公元1916年在位)是奧地利皇帝、匈牙利國王,也是歐洲歷史上在位時間最長的君主之一。他於公元1848年繼承王位,正值歐洲發生一連串重大動盪事件, 他的帝國在公元1908年吞併了波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那,這是繼土耳其青年土耳其黨革命後的一系列事件,激怒了塞爾維亞和俄羅斯,加劇了巴爾幹半島的緊張局勢。公元1914年,在他的侄子法蘭茲·斐迪南大公在薩拉熱突遭暗殺之後,法蘭茲·約瑟夫一世對塞爾維亞宣戰,引發了一系列導致第一次世界大戰的事件。

類似/相同物件 請看:

澳洲 澳大利亞戰爭紀念館 The Australian War Memorial

奧地利 維也納藝術史博物館 Kunsthistorisches Museum


Borna Barac, Reference Catalogue Orders, Medals and Decorations of the World – Part I (Zagreb: OBOL, 2009)
