Gallic war gold stater

(type E)



Item number: A214

Year: 60-50 BC

Material: Gold

Size: 17.2 x 17.0 x 3.0 mm

Weight: 6.15 g

Provenance: Künker 2022

This Type E gold stater, weighing 6.15 g, was minted between 60 BC and 50 BC by the Ambiani tribe, who resided in the Gallo-Belgic region during the Gallic Wars. The obverse of the coin presents an undecorated surface with vestiges of pitting and irregular depressions, while the reverse features a horse running to the right, adorned with surrounding ornaments.

Dr. John Sills, an expert in Iron Age coinage, categorizes Gallo-Belgic coins into several types, including Gallo-Belgic A, C, E, F, and G. He notes that the production of Gallo-Belgic C coins ceased with the onset of the Gallic Wars, when Caesar commenced his campaigns in Gaul. These were succeeded by Gallo-Belgic E coins, arguably the most extensive series minted by the Celts. According to John Andrew Talbot’s doctoral thesis, this type has been discovered throughout East Anglia, appearing in seven hoards, two of which also included Icenian JA staters. This prevalence suggests that Type E played a significant role in the region’s familiarity with gold coinage. Although stylistically, Type C served as the prototype for the obverse of its initial stater.

The Ambiani, to whom these coins are attributed, lived the Somme valley. Historical records suggest they mobilized ten thousand warriors to confront Caesar. Their principal settlement, Samarobriva, later known as Ambiani, is believed to have been located at what is now modern-day Amiens.

In 55 BC, during the Gallic Wars, Julius Caesar convened a council of leading Gauls at Samarobriva. The following year, he left Marcus Crassus and a legion to oversee the hostages, grain supplies, archives, and heavy baggage stored there. He himself spent the winter of 54 to 53 BC with three legions in nearby camps, using them as bases for military operations against the Nervii and Menapii.

物件編號: A214

年代: 公元前 60-50年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 17.2 x 17.0 x 3.0 mm

重量: 6.15 g

來源: 昆克 2022

此金幣為E型高盧戰爭斯塔特幣,重6.15克,由居住在加洛比利克地區(Gallo-Belgic region)的安比安尼部落(Ambiani tribe)在公元前60至50年間鑄造,當時正值高盧戰爭期間。硬幣的正面是一個未經裝飾、帶有凹坑和不規則凹陷的平面,反面展示了一匹面向右方奔跑中的馬匹。

鐵器時代硬幣專家約翰·席爾斯博士(Dr. John Sills)將加洛比利克硬幣分為幾種類型,包括加洛比利克(Gallo-Belgic)A、C、E、F和G型硬幣。他指出,隨著高盧戰爭的開始,當凱撒開始向高盧進軍時,加洛比利克C型硬幣的生產便停止了。這些硬幣被加洛比利克E型硬幣所取代,這可能是凱爾特人鑄造的最大系列硬幣。根據約翰·安德魯·塔爾伯特(John Andrew Talbot)的博士論文,這種型別在東安格利亞地區(East Anglia)被發現,主要集中在七處貯藏點,其中兩個還包含了伊西尼亞JA型(Icenian JA)貨幣。這一普及性表明E型在該地區金幣的流行起了重要作用。雖然從風格上看,C型曾是其首個硬幣正面的原型。

製造這些硬幣的安比安尼人於索姆河谷(Somme valley)生存。歷史記錄顯示,他們動員了一萬名戰士對抗凱撒。他們的主要聚居地薩馬羅布里瓦(Samarobriva),後來被稱為安比安尼,據信位於現今的亞眠(Amiens)。


類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 里茲大學 圖書館 Leeds University Library, UK

美國 哈佛藝術博物館 Harvard Art Museums, USA


Collecting Ancient Coins. The Celts from Northern Gaul – Third Generation Coins (c. 125 BC to c. 50 BC) – Gallo Belgic E

Michael Grant, Guide to the Ancient World(New York:  Barnes & Noble), 1986

John Andrew Talbot, WHAT IS ICENIAN COINAGE?, School of Archaeology, Oxford University

John Sills, Gaulish and Early British gold coinage (London: Spink & Son Ltd), 2003
