Bavaria Kingdom King Ludwig II

Gold Coin 5 Mark

Item number: A195

Year: AD 1877

Material: Gold

Size: 16.7 x 16.7 mm

Manufactured by: Bavarian Mint

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024

This coin was issued in AD 1877 during the reign of King Ludwig II of Bavaria, representing a 5 mark denomination from the Kingdom of Bavaria.

The obverse features a profile portrait of King Ludwig II, encircled by the German inscription “LUDWIG II KŒNIG V. BAYERN,” indicating “Ludwig II, King of Bavaria.” Below the portrait is the letter “D,” denoting its minting at the Bavarian Mint. The reverse showcases the royal coat of arms of the German Empire, surrounded by the inscription “DEUTSCHES REICH,” translating to “German Empire,” along with the year of minting and denomination, “1877 5 MARK.”

Coat of arms:
The coat of arms of the German Empire prominently features a black eagle with outstretched wings, its head turned left, adorned with a red beak, tongue, and talons, and topped with the imperial crown of Germany. Around its neck, the eagle wears the collar of the Order of the Black Eagle. On its chest, it bears a round shield displaying the Prussian eagle, which holds a sceptre and orb, each symbol of royal authority, and also wears a crown, with another shield on its chest. This specific design was in use from AD 1871 until AD 1918.

The Bavarian Mint, located in Munich, is a national minting facility established in AD 1158. It produces both domestic and international circulation coins and is one of Germany’s four major mints. Since AD 1871, the letter “D” has been used to mark coins minted at this facility.

This gold coin was issued during the reign of King Ludwig II of Bavaria. King Ludwig II reigned from AD 1864 to AD 1886 and was renowned for constructing Neuschwanstein Castle, earning him the moniker “Fairy Tale King” domestically and “Mad King” internationally. Ascending the throne at eighteen without political experience, he nonetheless became one of the most beloved rulers. His reign was shrouded in mystery until his death. One of King Ludwig II’s most frequently quoted sayings is, “I wish to remain an eternal enigma to myself and to others.” Declared insane in AD 1886, he was deposed, and his brother Otto succeeded him.

巴伐利亞王國 路德維希二世


物件編號: A195

年代: 公元 1877 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 16.7 x 16.7 mm

製造地: 巴伐利亞造幣廠

來源: 福君錢幣 2024


硬幣的正面為國王路德維希二世的側面肖像,周圍環繞著以德文刻有銘文「 LUDWIG II KŒNIG V. BAYERN 」,意為巴伐利亞國王路德維希二世,肖像的下方刻有字母「 D 」,標示此硬幣為巴伐利亞造幣廠所鑄造。硬幣背面的中央刻有德意志帝國的王室徽章,周圍刻有德文銘文「DEUTSCHES REICH」,為德意志帝國之意,以及該硬幣鑄造的公元年份和面額「1877 5 MARK」。



此枚金幣為巴伐利亞王國的國王路德維希二世在位期間發行的流通貨幣。路德維希二世在位期間為公元1864年到公元1886年,由於他對新天鵝堡的修建,使他在民間被稱為「童話國王」,但在國外他同時也被稱為「瘋狂國王」。路德維希二世即位時年僅十八歲,沒有任何政治經驗,卻得以成為最受歡迎的統治者之一。對他的子民來說,他的畢生直到逝世都籠罩在神秘之中。路德維希二世最常被引用的一句名言就是「我希望對自己和他人來說仍然是一個永恆的謎 」。公元1886年,路德維希二世被宣布精神失常並遭到廢黜,由他的弟弟鄂圖繼任王位。 

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臺灣 國立歷史博物館 National Museum of History

美國國家歷史博物館 National Museum of American History


