Cambodian brass good luck token


Item number: A46

Year: AD 1874

Material: Brass

Size: 31.0 x 31.0 mm

Weight: 35.79 g

Provenance: Spink 2023

This brass token which is issued in AD 1874 from Cambodia is adorned with various auspicious and blessing inscriptions on both sides. Typically referred to as a lucky coin, it signifies a symbolic item crafted from brass, associated with the concept of good fortune in Cambodian culture. These coins often feature intricate designs, symbols, or inscriptions, believed to impart positive energy, prosperity, or protection to the possessor.

The obverse of the token is inscribed with the Chinese characters “金玉滿堂” (jīn yù mǎn táng), denoting “May your house be filled with gold and jade.” The outer rim features the phonetic representation of “金玉滿堂” in English and the French inscription “Que votre maison se remplisse de richesses,” expressing the aspiration for wealth to abound in one’s home.

The reverse side of the token is engraved with the Chinese characters “福祿喜壽” (fú lù xǐ shòu), signifying “Fortune, Prosperity, Happiness, Longevity.” The outer perimeter features the English phonetic representation of “福祿喜壽,” conveying the pronunciation. Additionally, the token bears the French inscription “Bonheur joie et grand nombre de jours,” expressing the wish for enduring happiness, joy, and a long life.

物件編號: A46

年代: 公元 1874 年

材質: 黃銅

尺寸: 31.0 x 31.0 mm

重量: 35.79 g

來源: 斯賓克拍賣行 2023

此枚為公元1874年由黃銅製成的柬埔寨吉利錢,正反兩面皆以多種文字刻了各種吉祥與祝福的話語,吉利幣通常是指由黃銅製成的象徵性物品,與柬埔寨文化中的好運概念相關,這些錢幣通常具有複雜的設計、符號或銘文,被認為可以為持有者帶來正能量、繁榮或保護 。

錢幣的正面以中文字寫著金玉滿堂,外圈的文字以英文拼音表示金玉滿堂的讀音,和法文「Que votre maison se remplisse de richesses」,表示願您家中充滿財富。

錢幣背面刻有中文字福祿喜壽,外圈文字同樣為標示福祿喜壽讀音的英文拼音,另外刻有法文「Bonheur joie et grand nombre de jours」,意為祝幸福快樂許久。 

