Mexican Silver Coin

50 Centavos

Item number: A97

Year: AD 1877

Material: Silver

Size: 30.51 x 30.61 mm

Weight: 13.43 g

Manufactored by: Zacatecas mint

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2023

This coin, denominated at 50 centavos, is a Mexican silver coin minted by the Federal Republic of Mexico around AD 1877. It represented a newly minted currency adopted by Mexico after gaining independence.

The obverse of this coin features the national emblem of Mexico, depicting a winged eagle perched on a cactus, tightly grasping a snake in its beak and talons.” Surrounding the majestic eagle are oak and laurel branches symbolizing strength, loyalty, and peace. Above the eagle, the official name “REPUBLICA MEXICANA” is inscribed. Directly below is the minting year of this coin, denoted as AD 1877.

On the reverse side of the coin, the Phrygian cap is prominently displayed, featuring the inscription “LIBERTAD” (freedom) on it. Various columns of differing lengths are dispersed around the cap. Beneath the Phrygian cap, there are a balance scale, a long sword, and a scroll inscribed with the word ‘LEY’ (law). The lower edge of the coin is inscribed with its value, denoted as “50 CENTAVOS” (50 cents); indicating its minting location with the abbreviation “Zs” for Zacatecas; and the numerical representation “902.7,” signifying the coin’s silver content of 90.27%.



物件編號: A97

年代: 公元 1877 年


尺寸: 30.51 x 30.61 mm

重量: 13.43 g

製造地: 薩卡特卡斯鑄幣廠

來源: 福君錢幣 2023


這枚硬幣的正面呈現墨西哥國徽,展翅的老鷹站在仙人掌上,嘴巴和爪子緊緊抓著一條蛇。在雄鷹周圍,象徵力量、忠誠、與和平的橡樹枝葉和月桂枝葉形成環繞,上方鑄有國名「REPUBLICA MEXICANA(墨西哥共和國)」,正下方為此錢幣鑄造的年份公元1877年。 

而硬幣的反面則展示了自由帽(Phrygian cap),上方印有「LIBERTAD」(自由)字樣,周圍散布著不同長度的光柱。在自由帽下方,有一個包含天平、長劍和印有「LEY(法律)」的卷軸的圖案。硬幣的下緣銘刻有此幣的面值「50 CENTAVOS(50分)」,代表鑄造地名薩卡特卡斯的縮寫Zs,以及902.7,代表此幣的含銀量90.27%。 

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