Kingdom of Spain

Isabel II

40 Reales Gold Coin




Item number: A1199

Year: AD 1863

Material: Gold

Size: 16.3 x 16.3 mm

Manufactured by: Royal Mint of Spain

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024

This is a 40-real gold coin issued by the Kingdom of Spain, with its name derived from the Spanish word “real,” meaning “royal.” The obverse features the Spanish coat of arms at the centre, flanked by two flags. Moving clockwise from the upper left, these flags represent the kingdoms of Castile and León, while the central motif symbolises the Bourbon dynasty’s fleur-de-lis. The coat of arms is crowned at the top, and draped with the Golden Fleece, a reference to the mythological Greek symbol of the same name.

The outer inscription, “REINA DE LAS ESPAÑAS,” translates to “Queen of the Spains,” indicating the monarch of Spain. Below, the face value of 40 reales is marked, with two small stars representing the mintmark of the Spanish Royal Mint. On the reverse side, the central image is a portrait of Queen Isabel II, surrounded by the inscription “ISABEL 2A. POR LA G· DE DIOS Y LA CONST,” meaning “Isabel II by the Grace of God and the Constitution.” The date of issuance is inscribed at the bottom.

Since the Bourbon dynasty from France ascended to the Spanish throne, the Salic Law, which restricted succession to males, was applied to the Spanish monarchy. In AD 1833, following the death of King Ferdinand VII, the throne passed to his young daughter, Isabel II, due to the absence of a male heir. Although the previous king had persuaded the Cortes (Spanish Parliament) to amend the succession laws, Ferdinand’s brother, Prince Carlos, still asserted his claim to the throne, leading to a series of conflicts known as the Carlist Wars.

物件編號: A1199

年代: 公元 1863 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 16.3 x 16.3 mm

製造地: 西班牙皇家造幣廠

來源: 福君錢幣 2024


外圈銘文「REINA DE LAS ESPAÑAS」的意思為西班牙女王,下方則標示面額40雷亞爾,文字中的星號為西班牙皇家造幣廠的戳記。反面中央為女王頭像,外圈銘文「ISABEL 2A. POR LA G· DE DIOS Y LA CONST」的意思為伊莎貝爾二世蒙上帝與憲法洪福,下方則為發行年分。


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美國 錢幣學會 American Numismatic Society

美國 耶魯大學美術館 Yale University Art Gallery

