Republic of the Seven United Netherland

Siege of Ostend





Item number: A1176

Year: AD 1603

Material: Copper

Size: 30.2 x 29.9 x 1.1. mm

Weight: 7.65 g

Provenance: Jeans Elsen & ses Fils 2024

This is a token issued by the Dutch Republic of the Seven United Provinces, intended to demonstrate their unwavering resolve in the struggle against Spain. The obverse features a central depiction of the Siege of Ostend, surrounded by the Latin inscription “IN · ADVERSIS · VIRTVS,” which translates to “Virtue in Adversity.”

On the reverse, the central scene is drawn from Aesop’s fable of the rooster and the fox, in which the fox attempts to deceive the rooster into coming down from a branch by praising its beautiful singing, intending to eat it. This allegory casts doubt on the reasonableness of the Archduke of Spain’s promises of surrender. The Latin inscription around the edge, “ALIVD · IN · LINGVA · ALIVD · IN · PECTORE,” translates to “One thing on the tongue, another in the heart,” signifying duplicity.

The Siege of Ostend was one of the most brutal battles of the Eighty Years’ War. Due to its strategic location on the North Sea coast, both the Dutch and Spanish forces poured immense resources into the conflict. The Dutch sustained the defence by resupplying the town with goods and troops via sea, while the Spanish launched multiple assaults. Lasting from AD 1601 to 1604, it took Spain a full three years to capture the town. The combined casualties exceeded 100,000, and the town itself was nearly destroyed.

物件編號: A1176

年代: 公元 1603 年


尺寸: 30.2 x 29.9 x 1.1. mm

重量: 7.65 g

來源: 比利時 Jean Elsen & ses Fils拍賣 2024

這是一枚由尼德蘭七省聯合共和國所發行的代幣,其目的在於展現與西班牙抗爭到底的決心。正面中央為奧斯坦德圍城戰的場景,外圈的拉丁銘文「IN · ADVERSIS · VIRTVS」意思為逆境中的美德。

反面中央的場景取自伊索寓言中公雞與狐狸的故事,狐狸以歌聲美妙為由企圖騙公雞飛下樹枝,進而吃掉它,藉此質疑西班牙大公勸降保證的合理性。外圈的拉丁銘文「ALIVD · IN · LINGVA · ALIVD · IN · PECTORE」的意思為表裡不一。


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荷蘭 鹿特丹博物館 Museum Rotterdam

英國 格林威治皇家博物館 Royal Museums Greenwich

