Qing Dynasty

Shunzhi Tongbao Type 5

Henan Province Bureau



Item number: A1016

Year: AD 1660-1661

Material: Brass

Size: 26.8 x 26.8 x 0.9 mm

Weight: 4.65 g

Manufactured by: Henan Province Bureau


1. Noonans 2022

2. D. L. F. Sealy Collection

This is a “Shunzhi Tongbao” coin minted during the reign of Shunzhi, the first emperor of the Qing Dynasty after entering China proper. The coin was produced in Henan Province. This coin has a typical square hole design and is made of brass.

On the obverse, the characters “Shunzhi Tongbao” are inscribed in the order of top, bottom, right, and left. The reverse features Manchu script “ᡭᡠ” (He) on the left side and the Chinese character “He” on the right, indicating the minting location. Based on the reverse design, this coin is classified as the fifth type.

In the 4th year of Shunzhi’s reign (AD 1647), the Henan Province Bureau officially began operations in Kaifeng Prefecture, the provincial capital, to produce brass coins for the entire province of Henan. However, due to the lack of coal resources in Kaifeng, the Bureau was subsequently relocated to Huaiqing Prefecture in the 6th year of Shunzhi (AD 1649) to continue production.

During the 18-year reign of Emperor Shunzhi, the “Shunzhi Tongbao” coins were categorised into five major types based on the patterns on the reverse side:

Type 1Shunzhi 1st-2nd (AD 1644-1645)No inscription on the reverse side.  
Type 2Shunzhi 2nd-8th (AD 1645-1651)Single Chinese character indicating the casting unit on the reverse side.
Type 3Shunzhi 10th-14th (AD 1653-1657)The reverse side of the coin features two sets of Chinese characters. The character on the left, “厘” (Cash), represents the coin’s value in relation to silver, while the character on the right indicates the minting authority responsible for producing the coin.
Type 4Shunzhi 14th-18th (AD 1657-1661)Minted by the central Ministry of Revenue and Ministry of Works, these coins are of higher quality, with Manchu script inscribed on both the left and right sides of the reverse.
Type 5Shunzhi 17th-18th (AD 1660-1661)Coins minted by various regional mints feature Manchu script on the left side of the reverse and Chinese characters on the right side to indicate the minting authority.

物件編號: A1016

年代: 公元 1660-1661 年

材質: 黃銅

尺寸: 26.8 x 26.8 x 0.9 mm

重量: 4.65 g

製造地: 河南省局


1. 諾南斯 2022

2. 大衛.萊斯利.福布斯.西利舊藏




第一式順治元年至2年 (公元1644至1645年)背面沒有任何銘文
第二式順治2年至8年 (公元1645至1651年)背面為單一個漢字,標示鑄造單位
第三式順治10年至14年 (公元1653至1657年)背面為兩組漢字,左側「厘」為錢幣得折算的白銀,右側則為鑄造單位
第四式順治14年至18年 (公元1657至1661年)中央的戶部和工部鑄造,較為精美,背面的左右兩側皆為滿文
第五式順治17年至18年 (公元1660至1661年)各地鑄錢局鑄造,背面的左側以滿文,右側則以漢文標示鑄造單位

類似/相同物件 請看:

臺灣 國立歷史博物館 National Museum of History


中國 上海博物館 Shanghai Museum







