British Raj


1 Rupee




Item number:  A1213

Year: AD 1882

Material: Silver

Size: 30.6 x 30.6 x 1.5 mm

Weight: 11.4 g

Manufactured by: Mumbai Mint

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024

This is a 1-rupee coin issued by British India, which circulated throughout British India, encompassing present-day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar. On the obverse, the upper inscription indicates the denomination of 1 rupee, while the lower part shows the issuing authority, “India,” along with the year of minting. The outer ring is adorned with botanical motifs, and a dot on the lotus base below serves as the mint mark of the Bombay Mint. The reverse features a portrait of Queen Victoria, with the outer inscription reading “Victoria Empress.”

The British colonisation of the Indian subcontinent dates back to the establishment of the British East India Company in AD 1600, which was granted a royal charter, giving it a monopoly over trade with India. Over time, the company expanded its control across the subcontinent through the annexation of various princely states. The Indian Rebellion of AD 1857-1858 prompted the British government to intervene in quelling the uprising, which ultimately led to the dissolution of the company. Its territories were transferred to the British Crown and placed under the administration of the Secretary of State for India, becoming part of the British Empire.

The establishment of British India and the decline of the Mughal Empire allowed Britain to claim imperial authority over India. In AD 1876, Queen Victoria assumed the title of “Empress of India,” leading to changes in the inscriptions on coinage to reflect this new status. Under British rule, the Indian subcontinent was characterized by its complex mix of ethnicities and religions. This diversity was a key factor in the “Partition of India” plan following independence, which divided the region into India and Pakistan based on religious demographics.

物件編號:  A1213

年代: 公元 1882 年


尺寸: 30.6 x 30.6 x 1.5 mm

重量: 11.4 g

製造地: 孟買造幣廠

來源: 福君錢幣 2024




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美國 錢幣學會 American Numismatic Society

英國 大英博物館 The British Museum

