Qing Dynasty

Xianfeng Tongbao


(Version 1)




Item number: A1122

Year: AD 1850-1861

Material: Brass

Size: 23.4 x 23.0 x 0.9 mm

Weight: 2.6 g


1. Noonans 2022

2. D. L. F. Sealy Collection

This is a “Xianfeng Tongbao” coin minted during the Xianfeng era. It follows the typical square-holed design and is made of brass. On the obverse, the four Chinese characters “Xianfeng Tongbao” are inscribed in the sequence of top, bottom, right, and left. Due to its age, much of the coin’s surface has worn down, with only the character “咸” at the top edge remaining relatively clear, while the details of the other three characters have become indistinct due to wear. The reverse side, which should feature the Manchu inscription indicating the mint, is so heavily worn that it is difficult to decipher.

The Xianfeng period was one of the most chaotic times for Qing dynasty coinage, primarily due to the rapid spread of the Taiping Rebellion, which created an urgent need for military funding to suppress the uprising. In response, Emperor Xianfeng accelerated the production of currency by issuing coins with large denominations and reopening or establishing new mints that had been long inactive. As a result, the number of mints during the Xianfeng era reached 28, producing coins with denominations ranging from smaller values of four cash to as high as one thousand cash. This rapid expansion, however, also led to severe inflation within the empire.

物件編號: A1122

年代: 公元 1850-1861 年

材質: 黃銅

尺寸: 23.4 x 23.0 x 0.9 mm

重量: 2.6 g


1. 諾南斯 2022

2. 大衛.萊斯利.福布斯.西利舊藏



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臺灣 國立歷史博物館 National Museum of History


中國 錢幣博物館 China Numismatic Museum





