Qing Dynasty

Xianfeng Chungbao

50 Cash

Bao Quan Bureau




Item number: A1112

Year: AD 1853-1861

Material: Brass

Size: 54.1 x 53.6 x 4.0 mm

Weight: 53.45 g

Manufactured by: Bao Quan Bureau


1. Noonans 2022

2. D. L. F. Sealy Collection

This is a “Xianfeng Chungbao” coin minted during the Xianfeng period by the Bao Quan Bureau, which was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Revenue in the capital. The denomination of the coin is 50-cash. In the 3rd year of Xianfeng (AD 1853), the minting of large-denomination coins, including “Chungbao” and “Yuanbao,” began. During the production of Xianfeng Chungbao coins with a denomination of 50-cash, a total of 22 mints were involved in manufacturing, with materials including copper, iron, and lead.

The coin follows the typical square-holed design and has a notably heavy weight, giving it a solid and substantial feel. On the obverse, the four Chinese characters “Xianfeng Chungbao” are inscribed in the sequence of top, bottom, right, and left. The reverse side features the denomination “當五十” (50-cash) engraved on the top and bottom, while the left and right sides display the Manchu script “ᠪᠣᡠ ᠴᡳᠣᠸᠠᠨ” (Bao Quan), indicating the Bao Quan Bureau as the issuing authority. Due to its age, the inscriptions on both sides are somewhat worn and unclear.

The Xianfeng period was one of the most chaotic times for Qing dynasty coinage, primarily due to the rapid spread of the Taiping Rebellion, which created an urgent need for military funding to suppress the uprising. In response, Emperor Xianfeng accelerated the production of currency by issuing coins with large denominations and reopening or establishing new mints that had been long inactive. As a result, the number of mints during the Xianfeng era reached 28, producing coins with denominations ranging from smaller values of four cash to as high as one thousand cash. This rapid expansion, however, also led to severe inflation within the empire.

物件編號: A1112

年代: 公元 1853-1861 年

材質: 黃銅

尺寸: 54.1 x 53.6 x 4.0 mm

重量: 53.45 g

製造地: 寶泉局


1. 諾南斯 2022

2. 大衛.萊斯利.福布斯.西利舊藏


錢幣形制為典型的方孔錢,重量十分厚實。錢幣正面按上、下、右、左的順序,依序鐫刻漢字「咸豐重寶」四字。錢幣背面的上下兩側鐫刻漢字面額「當五十」,左右兩側是標示鑄造單位的滿文「ᠪᠣᡠ ᠴᡳᠣᠸᠠᠨ」(寶泉)。由於年代久遠,正反兩面的文字都有些許模糊不清。


類似/相同物件 請看:

臺灣 國立歷史博物館 National Museum of History


中國 錢幣博物館 China Numismatic Museum





