Princely State of Hyderabad

Asaf Jah VI

Mohur Gold Coin




Item number: A1239

Year: AD 1882 (AH 1300)

Material: Gold

Size: 20.6 x 20.6 mm

Provenance: Spink 2024

This is a Mohur gold coin minted in the Hijri year 1300 (AD 1882) during the reign of Asaf Jah VI, the ruler of the Hyderabad princely state. The coin was crafted entirely by hand.

The design of the coin follows the tradition of the Mughal Empire. The obverse side is inscribed with four lines of Urdu script. The top two lines bear the title of the ruler, “اصف جاہ” (Asaf Jah), while the bottom two lines read “نظام الملک م بھادر” (Nizam al-Mulk Bahadur), referring to the Nizam, the ruler of Hyderabad, and the honorific title “Bahadur,” meaning “His Excellency.” At the bottom, the Hijri year of minting, 1300 (AD 1882), is written in Persian numerals “۱۳۰۰.” The reverse side features the name of the minting location, Hyderabad, in Urdu “حیدر آباد,” along with an inscription related to blessings.

During the period of British rule in the Indian subcontinent, alongside the territories directly administered by the British, there were numerous princely states that emerged from the fragmentation of the Mughal Empire. Hyderabad in central and southern India was one of the most powerful princely states. Its ruler was originally the Mughal Empire’s governor in the Deccan region. After declaring independence in AD 1724, the coins minted by Hyderabad no longer bore the title of the Mughal emperor but instead featured the ruler’s own Nizam title.

In AD 1869, at the age of only three, Asaf Jah VI ascended to the position of the sixth Nizam. He received a British-style education and actively promoted modern infrastructure such as railways in the princely state until his death in AD 1911. In AD 1947, faced with the impending political changes as Britain prepared to leave the Indian subcontinent, the Hyderabad State had the options of joining India, joining Pakistan, or maintaining its independence. It chose to remain independent. Consequently, in AD 1948, shortly after its independence, India launched Operation Polo, an invasion that led to the annexation and dissolution of the Hyderabad State.

物件編號: A1239

年代: 公元 1882 (回曆 1300) 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 20.6 x 20.6 mm

來源: 斯賓克拍賣行 2024


錢幣形制沿襲蒙兀爾帝國時期的設計,正面打印四行烏爾都文,上方兩行字為統治者頭銜「اصف جاہ」(阿薩夫·賈赫),下兩行「نظام الملک م بھادر」為海德拉堡王公的統治頭銜「尼札姆」和意指閣下的「巴哈杜爾」尊稱。最下方以波斯數字標示錢幣鑄造的回曆1300年份「۱۳۰۰」。錢幣背面則標示鑄造地點海德拉堡的烏爾都文「حیدرآباد」,和跟祝福有關的銘文內容。



類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 大英博物館 The British Museum

美國 錢幣學會 American Numismatic Society


R. P. Jackson, “Coin Collecting in The Deccan,” British Numismatic Society, 1908, pp. 263-285

Dr. Surepalli Venkataratnam, “Historical Perspective of Coins and Currency During The Nizams Period,” Journal Global Values, 2021, pp. 272–276

Smt. Shubha, Dr. I. K. Pattar, “Coinage System Under The Mir Osman Ali Khan Period (1911-1948),” Review of Research, 2023, pp. 1–4
