Ancient Greek

Neapolis Silver Coin

2 Drachm




Item number: A1174

Year: 450-225 BC

Material: Silver

Size: 20.0 x 19.7 x 2.6 mm

Weight: 7.3 g

Provenance: Jean Elsen & ses Fils 2024

This is a silver coin issued by the city-state of Neapolis during ancient Greek times, with a denomination of 2 drachm.

The obverse of the coin features the right profile of Parthenope, with a bluish tint around the edge. Parthenope is depicted with elegantly styled rolled hair and wearing an earring. In Greek mythology, Parthenope was one of the daughters of the river god Achelous and was also a siren from legend. According to myth, Parthenope threw herself into the sea after her singing failed to lure Odysseus to his doom. The waves carried her body to the coast of Neapolis, where her head became the Capodimonte hill and her tail transformed into the Posillipo hill, thus forming the city of Neapolis.

The reverse of the coin depicts the river god Achelous, represented a bull with a human head. Above him, there is a winged goddess, likely Nike, symbolising victory. Below, the inscription “NEOΠΟΛITHΣ” identifies the city-state of Neapolis. Achelous is shown with a dolphin beneath his feet, signifying the importance of maritime trade and shipping to the region. Achelous represents the largest river in Greece, and he was famously defeated in a wrestling match with Hercules over the right to marry Deianira, an encounter in which Achelous took on the form of a bull.

Neapolis was an ancient Greek city founded by colonists from the island of Samos. It was a member of the Delian League and first appeared on the tribute list of Athens in 454 BC, later being recorded as a city-state in 443 BC. The use of its silver coinage continued until 241 BC, during the First Punic War, a conflict between Rome and Carthage over dominance in the Mediterranean.

物件編號: A1174

年代: 公元前 450-225 年


尺寸: 20.0 x 19.7 x 2.6 mm

重量: 7.3 g

來源: 比利時 Jean Elsen & ses Fils拍賣 2024



銀幣的背面為河神阿刻羅俄斯,形象為有著人頭公牛,上邊有個有翅膀的女神,推測可能為尼克(Nike)代表勝利。下方「NEOΠΟΛITHΣ 」為城邦那不勒斯的名字。阿刻羅俄斯腳下有一隻海豚,象徵當地的海港貿易和航運重要性。阿刻羅俄斯代表希臘內最大的河流Achelous。他曾為了爭奪與德伊阿妮拉(Deianira)結婚的權利,變成公牛的形象與海克利斯(Heracles)摔角,不過最後失敗了。


類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 阿什莫林博物館 England Ashmolean Museum Oxford

澳洲 維多利亞博物館Australia Museums Victoria Collections


Lazarides, D., The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, (New Jersey,1976)

David R. Sear, An Introductory Guide to Ancient Greek & Roman Coins Volume I Greek Civic Coins & Tribal Issues(London: Spink, 2020)
