Transvaal Republic

1 Pound



Item number: A1210

Year: AD 1893

Material: Gold

Size: 20.5 x 20.5 mm

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2024

This is a 1-pound gold coin minted in AD 1893 by the Transvaal Republic, established by Afrikaners in the interior of South Africa. The coin is encircled by a milled edge, with the obverse featuring the left-facing portrait of Paul Kruger, the then-president who led the republic to successfully resist annexation by the British Empire during the First Boer War (AD 1880–AD 1881). Kruger, known for his distinctive large beard, is depicted at the age of 68. Surrounding his portrait is an inscription in Dutch spelling, “ZUID AFRIKAANSCHE REPUBLIEK,” representing the official name of the republic, the “South African Republic.”

The reverse of the coin features the coat of arms of the Transvaal Republic. At the centre of the circular emblem, there is a reclining lion, an Afrikaner man holding a rifle, and a covered wagon—an important tool of Afrikaner migration. In the middle of the emblem is a shield adorned with an anchor. Above the emblem, a spread-winged eagle perches, while the national flag of the Transvaal Republic is positioned on either side. Below, a scroll bears the national motto “EENDRAGT MAAKT MAGT,” meaning “Unity is Strength.” Surrounding the coat of arms are the denomination and the year of issue, “1 POND ★ 1893 ★.”

The Afrikaners, also known as Boers, originated from Dutch and French Protestant Huguenot immigrants who settled in the region beginning in the 17th century, making them the earliest European settlers in South Africa. In the 19th century, as the British Empire increasingly asserted control over the Cape Colony, many Afrikaners embarked on a mass migration inland, an event known as the “Great Trek.” In AD 1852, the Afrikaners established independent states, with the Transvaal Republic being one of the most prominent. However, after the discovery of rich gold and diamond deposits within the republic, the British Empire launched two Boer Wars (AD 1880–1881 / 1899–1902). The second war led to the annexation of the Transvaal Republic by the British in AD 1902.

Following the end of the World War II, a politically ascendant Afrikaner-centric party, emphasizing white supremacy assumed power, and promptly implemented stringent racial segregation policies domestically. This regime persisted until AD 1994 when the African National Congress, led by Nelson Mandela, emerged victorious in the African National Congress, marking the definitive end of the apartheid era.

物件編號: A1210

年代: 公元 1893 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 20.5 x 20.5 mm

來源: 福君錢幣 2024

這是一枚公元1893年,阿非利卡人立足於南非內陸建立的「川斯瓦共和國」鑄造的1鎊金幣。金幣周圍有一道齒圈,正面中央為帶領共和國於第一次布爾戰爭(公元1880-1881年)中,成功抵擋大英帝國併吞的時任總統:保羅·克魯格左側肖像,時年68歲的克魯格以大鬍子為知名形象。克魯格肖像的周圍以南非荷蘭語拼寫銘文「ZUID AFRIKAANSCHE REPUBLIEK」,即川斯瓦共和國的正式國名「南非共和國」。

錢幣背面為川斯瓦共和國國徽,正中央的圓球內,分別有一隻臥獅、持槍的阿非利卡男性和阿非利卡人遷移的重要工具:大篷車,中央是有著船錨的盾牌。圓球上方站著一隻展翅的雄鷹,兩側則是川斯瓦共和國的國旗,下方的卷軸寫著國家座右銘「EENDRAGT MAAKT MAGT」,即「團結就是力量」。國徽的外圍打印著面額和發行年份「1 POND ★ 1893 ★」。

阿非利卡人亦稱作布爾人,其源自公元17世紀起,來自荷蘭和法國的新教胡格諾派移民,為南非地區最早的歐裔移民。公元19世紀,大英帝國逐漸自開普敦插手南非後,多數的阿非利卡人集體往內陸移民,史稱「牛車大遷徙」。公元1852年,阿非利卡人先後建立川斯瓦共和國為首的獨立政權。然而隨著共和國內部發現豐富的黃金和鑽石礦產,大英帝國發動兩次布爾戰爭(公元1880-1881 / 1899-1902年),於公元1902年成功併吞川斯瓦共和國。


類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 大英博物館 The British Museum

美國 錢幣學會 American Numismatic Society


勞倫斯.詹姆士(Lawrence James),《烈日帝國 :非洲霸權的百年爭奪史1830-1990》(臺北市: 馬可孛羅文化, 2018)
