Republic of Bolivia

10 Bolivianos



Item number: A1155

Year: AD 1952

Material: Gold

Size: 21.8 x 21.8 x 1.4 mm

Weight: 7.8 g

Manufactured by: Paris Mint, France

Provenance: Künker 2024

This is a 10 Bolivianos commemorative gold coin issued in AD 1952 by Bolivia, a landlocked country in the Andes Mountains of South America, to celebrate the success of the “Bolivian National Revolution” in April of that year, which overthrew the military government.

The obverse of the coin features the Bolivian coat of arms, with a central round shield displaying a llama, a native animal of South America. Surrounding the shield are nine five-pointed stars, symbolising Bolivia’s provinces, and the national name “REPUBLICA DE BOLIVIA.” Above the shield sits the Andean condor, the largest bird in the Americas, revered by Indigenous peoples since pre-Columbian times as a sacred bird. The outer design is further adorned with a combination of wings and a five-pointed star.

The reverse of the coin features a central relief of a miner, depicted bare-chested, operating machinery inside a mine. Above the miner to the left is the legend “7 Grs.” and to the bottom right, “ORO PURO,” indicating that the coin weighs 7 g and is made of pure gold. The surrounding legend, “INDEPENDENCIA ECONOMICA,” reflects the economic independence policy pursued by the ruling Nationalist Revolutionary Movement (MNR) following the revolution. At the bottom, “★ 31-X-1952 ★” marks the date of the coin’s issuance, October 31, AD 1952.

Bolivia, a landlocked South American country known for its rich mineral resources, experienced prolonged political control by military regimes and severe economic inequality entering the 20th century. In the AD 1951 presidential election, the opposition party, the Nationalist Revolutionary Movement (MNR), won the vote. However, the military government refused to cede power.

On April 9, AD 1952, with covert support from the MNR, the capital’s police took control of La Paz and gained popular backing. The army sent to suppress the uprising quickly defected, and three days later, the military government surrendered and handed over power. Once in control, the MNR implemented progressive policies, including the nationalisation of mines and mandatory basic education, until they were overthrown by a military coup in AD 1964.

物件編號: A1155

年代: 公元 1952 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 21.8 x 21.8 x 1.4 mm

重量: 7.8 g

製造地: 法國,巴黎造幣廠

來源: 昆克 2024


錢幣正面為玻利維亞國徽,中央的圓盾有一隻南美洲的特產羊駝,外圍以國名和象徵省分的九顆五角星裝飾。盾牌上方是美洲大陸體型最為龐大,自前哥倫布時期就被印地安人奉為神鳥的安地斯神鷲。外圍則國名「REPUBLICA DE BOLIVIA」和一對翅膀跟五角星組合的裝飾。

錢幣背面中央,是一位赤身在礦坑內以機器採礦的礦工浮雕。礦工左上方和右下方有「7 Grs.」和「ORO PURO」字樣,分別代表錢幣為7克和純金成分。外圍的銘文「INDEPENDENCIA ECONOMICA」代表主政者「民族主義革命運動黨」追求獨立經濟的政策藍圖。最下方的「★ 31-X-1952 ★」則是錢幣的發行時間。

玻利維亞是以礦產豐沛著名的南美內陸國,進入公元20世紀後,國內政局長期受到軍政府把持,並且面臨嚴重的經濟不平等問題。公元1951年舉行的總統大選,反對黨「民族主義革命運動黨」(簡稱MNR) 獲得勝利,但是軍政府卻拒絕交出政權。公元1952年4月9日,秘密支持MNR的首都警察控制拉巴斯並得到民眾支持,隨後前來鎮壓的軍隊也紛紛倒戈,三天後軍政府投降並交出政權。獲得政權的MNR推動礦坑國有化和義務基礎教育等進步政策,直到公元1964年遭到軍事政變推翻為止。

類似/相同物件 請看:

美國 錢幣學會 American Numismatic Society

玻利維亞 波托西鑄幣廠 National Mint of Bolivia

