Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy


40 Lire




Item number: A1173

Year: AD 1810

Material: Gold

Size: 26.0 x 26.0 x 1.6 mm

Weight: 12.9 g

Manufactured by: Milan

Provenance: Morton & Eden 2024

This is a 40-lire gold coin minted in AD 1810 by the “Kingdom of Italy,” which spanned across northern Italy. In AD 1805, Napoleon, who was dominant across Europe, consolidated the Italian Republic and Venice into the “Kingdom of Italy,” proclaiming himself King of Italy. His reign lasted until the kingdom’s downfall in AD 1814.

The obverse of the coin features a reeded edge surrounding the central left-facing portrait of Napoleon, who served as King. Below the portrait are two lines of text, “1810 M,” indicating that the gold coin was minted in AD 1810 in Milan, the capital. Around the edge is the Italian legend “NAPOLEONE IMPERATORE E RE” (Napoleon Emperor and King), symbolising the titles of “Emperor of the French and King of Italy” that Napoleon received after his coronation at Milan’s cathedral. The legend is flanked on either side by decorative elements—a grenade and a cavalry helmet.

The reverse of the coin is also surrounded by a reeded edge, with the central feature being the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Italy, intricately designed by Italian engraver Luigi Manfredini, who was active during Napoleon’s era. The coat of arms under Napoleon’s rule is highly detailed, combining elements from both France and Italy, and is recognised as the first coat of arms in modern Italian history. Flanking the coat of arms are the Italian words “REGNO D’ITALIA” (Kingdom of Italy). Below the coat of arms is the denomination “40 LIRE” (40.LIRE). The coin’s edge is inscribed with the Italian legend “DIO PROTEGGE L’ITALIA★” (God Protects Italy).

At the centre of the coat of arms is a shield representing the six entities that composed the Kingdom of Italy, including the Republic of Venice, the Papal States, and the Duchy of Milan. In the middle of the shield is the image of the “Iron Crown of Lombardy,” which symbolised the coronation of the King of Italy. Surrounding the shield is a necklace of the “Legion of Honour,” an order personally established by Napoleon. The backdrop of the shield features the eagle emblem of the French Empire, modelled after the Roman legions. Above the eagle is the “Napoleonic Star,” while behind it are royal symbols, including a fur-lined royal mantle, crossed sceptres, and a crown, all representing sovereign authority.

物件編號: A1173

年代: 公元 1810 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 26.0 x 26.0 x 1.6 mm

重量: 12.9 g

製造地: 米蘭

來源: 莫頓與伊登 2024


錢幣的正面周圍有齒圈環繞,正中央為擔任國王的拿破崙左側肖像。肖像正下方打印「1810M」兩行文字,代表這枚金幣是公元1810年於首都米蘭鑄造。外圍的義大利銘文「拿破崙皇帝與國王」(NAPOLEONE IMPERATORE E RE),象徵拿破崙在米蘭大教堂加冕後,獲得的「法蘭西皇帝和義大利國王」頭銜。銘文的首尾兩側則分別以手榴彈和騎兵頭盔作為裝飾。

背面的周圍亦有齒圈,正中央是活躍於拿破崙時期的義大利雕刻師「路易吉·曼弗雷迪尼」(Luigi Manfredini),所雕刻的義大利王國國徽。拿破崙統治下的義大利王國國徽極為精緻複雜,結合法國和義大利的元素,為近代義大利史上第一個國徽。國徽左右兩側是義大利文「義大利王國」(REGNO D’ITALIA)。下方為面額「40里拉」(40.LIRE)。錢幣的邊緣則打印義大利文「上帝保佑義大利」(DIO PROTEGGE L’ITALIA★)。


類似/相同物件 請看:

義大利 國家銀行 Bank of Italy

美國 錢幣學會 American Numismatic Society

