Northern Song Dynasty

Mingdao Yuanbao



Item number: A906

Year: AD 1032-1033

Material: Bronze

Size: 25.6 x 25.3 x 1.0 mm

Weight: 3.9 g


1. Noonans 2022

2. D. L. F. Sealy Collection

This is a “Mingdao Yuanbao” coin, minted at the reign of Emperor Renzong, the fourth emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty, using his second era name. Emperor Renzong, Zhao Zhen, reigned for 41 years, during which he used nine different era names.

The coin is a typical square-holed type. On the obverse side, the four characters “Mingdao Yuanbao” are inscribed in regular script, arranged clockwise. The reverse side of the coin is blank, with no inscriptions or designs.

During Emperor Renzong’s reign, Fan Zhongyan served as the prime minister. During the Qingli period, they attempted to implement the Qingli New Policies, but the effort failed due to overwhelming opposition.

There is also a popular folk tale known as the “The Cat for the Crown Prince” (狸貓換太子), in which the protagonist is Emperor Renzong himself.

During the Song Dynasty, in addition to bronze coins, one notable feature was the widespread circulation of iron coins, a phenomenon rarely seen in other dynasties. This practise arose primarily for two reasons: first, the domestic shortage of copper resources; and second, the need to prevent copper coins from flowing into the hands of northern rival states, such as the Western Xia, Liao, and Jin. As a result, the Song court initially began minting iron coins, and later introduced early forms of paper money, such as Jiaozi and Huizi, as alternative currency.

物件編號: A906

年代: 公元 1032-1033 年

材質: 青銅

尺寸: 25.6 x 25.3 x 1.0 mm

重量: 3.9 g


1. 諾南斯 2022

2. 大衛.萊斯利.福布斯.西利舊藏





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臺灣 國立歷史博物館 National Museum of History

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