Austrian Empire

8 Florin


8 弗羅林

Item number: A1159

Year: AD 1874

Material: Gold

Size: 21.1 x 21.1 x 1.2 mm

Weight: 6.45 g

Manufactured by: Münze Österreich

Provenance: Künker 2024

This coin, minted and issued by the Austrian Empire in AD 1874, has a denomination of 8 Florins (20 Francs).

The obverse of the coin features a right-facing portrait of Emperor Franz Joseph I of the Austrian Empire, depicted with a beard and wearing a laurel crown. Surrounding the portrait is the Latin inscription “FRANCISCVS·IOSEPHVS·I·D·G·IMPERATOR·ET·REX,” which translates to “Franz Joseph I, King and Emperor, by the Grace of God.” The reverse displays the double-headed eagle coat of arms of the Austrian Empire, with the Latin inscription “IMPERIVM AVSTRIACVM,” meaning Austrian Empire. At the bottom, flanking the sides, is the coin’s denomination “8Fl 20Fr,” with the year of issue, “1874,” directly below.

The edge of the coin bears the Latin motto “VIRIBVS VNITIS,” which translates to “With United Forces,” reflecting Franz Joseph I’s personal motto.

Franz Joseph I (AD 1830-AD 1916) was the Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary, and one of the longest-reigning monarchs in European history. He ascended to the throne in AD 1848 during a period of significant upheaval in Europe, including the revolutions of that year. His empire’s annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in AD 1908, following the Young Turk Revolution in the Ottoman Empire, contributed to tensions in the Balkans. After the assassination of his nephew, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, in AD 1914, Franz Joseph I reluctantly declared war on Serbia, setting off a chain of events that led to World War I.

In AD 1865, the Austro-Hungarian Empire joined the Latin Monetary Union in Europe. The Austrian Empire first issued Florin gold coins in AD 1870. In AD 1874, a total of 42,000 pieces of this 8 Florin coin were minted. The coin displayed here was produced by the Austrian Mint in Vienna. At that time, the coins were issued in 4 Florins (10 Francs) and 8 Florins (20 Francs) denominations. Florin gold coins ceased production after AD 1891.

物件編號: A1159

年代: 公元 1874 年

材料: 黃金

尺寸: 21.1 x 21.1 x 1.2 mm

重量: 6.45 g

製造地: 奧地利鑄幣廠

來源: 昆克 2024


硬幣正面刻有奧地利帝國皇帝法蘭茲·約瑟夫一世面向右側的側面肖像,蓄鬍並頭戴桂冠,圍繞肖像周圍刻有拉丁銘文「FRANCISCVS·IOSEPHVS·I·D·G·IMPERATOR·ET·REX」,意思是「國王兼皇帝 法蘭茲·約瑟夫一世 蒙上帝恩典」。背面則為奧地利帝國的雙頭鷹國徽,周圍刻有拉丁銘文「IMPERIVM AVSTRIACVM」,意為奧地利帝國。底部的左右兩側刻有此枚硬幣的面額「8Fl 20Fr」,正下方則為硬幣的發行年分「1874」。

硬幣的側面刻有拉丁銘文「VIRIBVS VNITIS」,是法蘭茲·約瑟夫一世的個人座右銘,意思是團結的力量(With United Forces)。

法蘭茲·約瑟夫一世(公元1830-公元1916年在位)是奧地利皇帝、匈牙利國王,也是歐洲歷史上在位時間最長的君主之一。他於公元1848年繼承王位,正值歐洲發生一連串重大動盪事件, 他的帝國在公元1908年吞併了波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那,這是繼土耳其青年土耳其黨革命後的一系列事件,激怒了塞爾維亞和俄羅斯,加劇了巴爾幹半島的緊張局勢。公元1914年,在他的侄子法蘭茲·斐迪南大公在薩拉熱突遭暗殺之後,法蘭茲·約瑟夫一世對塞爾維亞宣戰,引發了一系列導致第一次世界大戰的事件。


類似/相同物件 請看:

美國 錢幣學會 American Numismatic Society

美國 國家歷史博物館 National Museum of American History


Thomas Michael, George S. Cuhaj, Standard Catalog of World Gold Coins, 1601-Present 6th Edition, 2009, Krause Pubns Inc, p121.

喬福瑞‧瓦夫羅 (Wawro, Geoffrey),《哈布斯堡的滅亡:第一次世界大戰的爆發和奧匈帝國的解體》(新北市:左岸文化,2014)
