Ming Dynasty

Jiajing Tongbao

(Big Font Version)

明 嘉靖通寶


Item number: A1141-1

Year: AD 1527-1567

Material: Brass

Size: 24.9 x 24.7 x 0.9 mm

Weight: 3.25 g


1. Noonans 2022

2. D. L. F. Sealy Collection

This is a “Jiajing Tongbao” coin, minted from the 6th year of the Jiajing reign (AD 1527) under the Ming Emperor Zhu Houcong, also known as Emperor Shizong. The coin is of the typical square-hole design.

The obverse side features four characters inscribed in regular script, arranged sequentially from top to bottom, right to left, spelling out “Jiajing Tongbao.” Compared to other versions, the characters on this coin are relatively larger and wider in size. The reverse side of the coin is blank, devoid of any inscriptions or patterns.

During the Jiajing reign, advancements in brass refining technology led to a significant shift from the previous practise of using bronze for coin minting.

The Jiajing Emperor, Zhu Houcong, followed the example set by the Hongwu Emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang, implementing a five-tiered coinage system. This system produced five different denominations: the standard “one-cash,” “two-cash,” “three-cash,” “five-cash,” and “ten-cash” coins, each varying in weight. Additionally, some versions of these coins featured inscribed denominations on the reverse side.

In a notable event, the mint in Dongchuan Prefecture, Yunnan, celebrated its establishment by producing an exceptionally large “Jiajing Tongbao” coin, measuring 57.8 cm in diameter and weighing 41.5 kg. This colossal coin holds the record as the largest square-hole coin ever produced in the world.

The Jiajing Emperor, the second-longest reigning emperor of the Ming Dynasty, is most renowned for the “Great Rites Controversy.” This conflict arose as he sought to posthumously elevate the status of his biological father, leading to a significant dispute with his ministers and eventually resulting in a purge of court officials who opposed him.

During the middle of his reign, the Jiajing Emperor became deeply immersed in Taoism and mystical practises, which diverted his attention from governance. This period of neglect coincided with increasing social unrest, as popular uprisings and rebellions began to occur more frequently across the empire.

物件編號: A1141-1

年代: 公元 1527-1567 年

材質: 黃銅

尺寸: 24.9 x 24.7 x 0.9 mm

重量: 3.25 g


1. 諾南斯 2022

2. 大衛.萊斯利.福布斯.西利舊藏

這是一枚嘉靖6年(公元 1527年)起,明世宗朱厚熜以其年號所鑄造的「嘉靖通寶」。錢幣形制為典型的方孔錢。錢幣正面按上、下、右、左的順序,以楷書書法鐫刻漢字「嘉靖通寶」四字。相較於其他版本,該版本的字體較為寬大。錢幣背面為光背,沒有任何圖案或文字。



類似/相同物件 請看:

文化部 國家文化記憶庫 Taiwan Cultural Memory Bank


中國 曲靖市博物館 Qujing Museum





