Palm-leaf Tibetan Buddhist Scripture


Item number: C138-1

Year: ND

Material: Paper and Fabric

Size: 28.0 x 8.0 cm

Provenance: Teutoburger Münzauktion GmbH 2023

This is a set of Tibetan Buddhist scriptures, bound in the form of palm-leaf manuscripts, though the exact date of origin is unknown. The palm-leaf manuscript format originated in ancient India, the birthplace of Buddhism, where monks used the leaves of the palm-leaf tree as a medium for recording Buddhist texts. Over time, this practise spread to regions including present-day Tibet and Southeast Asia.

Palm-leaf manuscripts are typically housed in a protective case known as a “scripture box.” This set of manuscripts is stored in a box made of fabric with a pink base, adorned with gold thread decorations. The interior lining features repeated floral patterns of blue and red roses. The specific content of these scriptures is still under scholarly investigation, but the text has been identified as Tibetan, and the manuscripts are interspersed with illustrations of Buddhist deities, serving as decorative elements.

物件編號: C138-1

年代: ND

材質: 紙張, 織品

尺寸: 28.0 x 8.0 cm

來源: 條頓堡錢幣拍賣 2023



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臺灣 世界宗教博物館 Museum of World Religions

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