jin Dynasty

Zhenglong Yuanbao


Item number: A861

Year: AD 1158

Material: Bronze

Size: 24.8 x 24.8 x 1.2 mm

Weight: 3.35 g


1. Noonans 2022

2. D. L. F. Sealy Collection

This is a reign title coin from the Jin Dynasty. The coin is round with a square hole in the centre. The obverse side of the coin reads “Zhenglong Yuanbao” in a clockwise direction in regular script. Notably, the last two strokes of the character “Zheng” are written as a single stroke with a clear right-angle corner.

The reverse side of the coin has no inscription or denomination.

Zhenglong was the reign title of Emperor Wanyan Liang, the fourth emperor of the Jin Dynasty. After the establishment of the Jin Dynasty, coins were initially not minted, and old coins from the Liao and Song Dynasties were used, along with the paper currency known as “Jiao Chao.”

In the third year of Zhenglong (AD 1158), coins were minted for the first time, bearing the reign title “Zhenglong Yuanbao.”

Emperor Wanyan Liang, also known as Emperor Hailing, was the grandson of Jin Taizu Wanyan Aguda. He ascended the throne after assassinating his elder brother, Emperor Xizong of Jin. Upon gaining the throne, Wanyan Liang began a large-scale massacre of the imperial family to eliminate all potential rivals, which led to political instability and public unrest.

Subsequently, Wanyan Liang launched a campaign against the Song Dynasty and killed his stepmother, who opposed the campaign. During the campaign against the Song, Wanyan Liang faced a rebellion led by Wanyan Yong, who was also a grandson of Wanyan Aguda. Surrounded by betrayal and with the tide turning against him, Wanyan Liang was ultimately defeated and killed.

After his death, Wanyan Liang was posthumously demoted by the new emperor, Emperor Shizong Wanyan Yong, to the title of “Prince of Hailing” and reduced to commoner status.

In later historical accounts, he has often been heavily criticised.

物件編號: A861

年代: 公元 1158 年

材質: 青銅

尺寸: 24.8 x 24.8 x 1.2 mm

重量: 3.35 g


1. 諾南斯 2022

2. 大衛.萊斯利.福布斯.西利舊藏







類似/相同物件 請看:

國家文化記憶庫 Taiwan Cultural Memory Bank


中國國家博物館 National Museum of China






