Yuan Dynasty

Da Yuan Tongbao

(Phagspa Version)



Item number: A1130

Year: AD 1309

The results after XRF testing

ElementPercentage %
Pb45.27 %
Cu40.7 %
Sn10.55 %
Fe1.67 %
Sb0.231 %

Material: Bronze

Size: 40.9 x 40.4 x 3.4 mm

Weight: 26.7 g 


1. Noonans 2022

2. D. L. F. Sealy Collection

This is a coin from the Yuan Dynasty. The obverse side of the coin is unique, featuring the official script of the Yuan Dynasty—Phagspa. The four characters, read from top to bottom and right to left, translate to “Da Yuan Tongbao; the reverse side of the coin is blank. Notably, it is not a reign title coin.

Phagspa script was designed based on Tibetan characters by Phagspa, a lama of the Sakya school from Tibet, who was appointed by Kublai Khan, the founding emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. Phagspa script became the official script of the Yuan Dynasty.

The earliest known Phagspa script copper coins from the Yuan Dynasty are the Zhi Yuan Tongbao from the reign of Kublai Khan.

These coins are rarely found because Yuan Dynasty currency primarily consisted of paper money (Jiaochao, Baochao, etc.) with Chinese characters. Therefore, the quantity of copper coins minted by the official authorities was much smaller compared to other dynasties.

Historical records indicate that the officially issued copper coins were only Zhi Da Tongbao, Da Yuan Tongbao from the reign of Emperor Wuzong, and Zhi Zheng Tongbao from the reign of Yuan Emperor Shundi.

The reign of Emperor Wuzong was a very important period for the minting and issuance of copper coins in the Yuan Dynasty, closely tied to the reforms he implemented.

Wuzong undertook two particularly notable actions: the construction of Yuan Zhongdu and the establishment of the Shangshu Province to reform the government administration.

Additionally, he reformed the currency system by issuing Zhi Da silver notes and concurrently circulating copper coins. He decreed that copper coins from various dynasties should be used alongside the Zhi Da coins, meaning both paper money and copper coins were to be circulated together.

This was the first large-scale and officially implemented currency reform in Yuan Dynasty history, leading to the circulation of Zhi Da Tongbao and Da Yuan Tongbao.

Unfortunately, these new policies were abolished by Emperor Renzong, and Wuzong’s “new policies” only lasted for one reign. Consequently, the minting and circulation of Zhi Da TongBao and Da Yuan Tongbao coins were also terminated.

物件編號: A1130

年代: 公元 1309 年


45.27 %
40.7 %
10.55 %
1.67 %
0.231 %

材質: 青銅

尺寸: 40.9 x 40.4 x 3.4 mm

重量: 26.7 g 


1. 諾南斯 2022

2. 大衛.萊斯利.福布斯.西利舊藏





武宗做了兩件重要的改革,一是修建元中都、設立尚書省,更新庶政。二,就是變易鈔法,頒行至大銀鈔,兼行銅錢,並且“命以歷代銅錢 與至大錢相參行用”,也就是命令紙幣與銅錢一起發行通用。



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