Qing Dynasty, Guangxu 23th,

The Badge of the Order of the Double Dragon,

Second Class, 1st Grade, Type II

(Full Size)

清 光緒二十三年

二等一級 第二版雙龍副寶星


Item number: M245

Year: AD 1897-1909

Material: Silver, Enamel

Size: 89.4 x 48.1 x 9.4 mm

Weight: 26.9 g

Provenance: Liverpool Medals 2022

The Order of the Double Dragon Type II, issued in the 23rd year of the Guangxu reign (AD 1897), was a revised version of the original Order of the Double Dragon issued in the 7th year of the Guangxu reign (AD 1881). An imperial memorial from March 13, AD 1897, reveals two major issues with the Order at that time: first, the “design” did not embody the true form of the “Order of the Double Dragon,” as it included rectangular, diamond, sunflower, and circular shapes; second, it was inconvenient to wear due to its excessive weight. The class and system of the two versions of the Order of the Double Dragon remained fundamentally unchanged, with only modifications to the design of the Order.

This Order is a Second Class 1st Grade Badge of the Order, which is awarded together with the star. The appearance of the Subordinate Order should be of gold; however, due to the possibility that the manufacturer did not gilt or due to wear, this piece appears with a silver-like texture. The design features an outer ring in the form of a five-petalled lotus, with one fewer petal compared to the First-Class Subordinate Order, and the petals are arranged in a somewhat loose pattern. Consequently, the spaces between the petals are decorated with blue enamel flowers shaped like five-petalled blossoms. Surrounding this is a pair of dragons, with a sun depicted in the centre of each dragon’s head, adorned with a small round red coral and encircled by a dodecagon-shaped blue enamel, symbolising the dragon pearl. At the centre is a large round red coral, which is engraved with the character “壽” (longevity). According to historical records, the Subordinate Order is typically worn with a purple ribbon, and the suspension ring features a design resembling the patterns of a Ruyi(如意Images of blessing) sceptre.

The inception of Qing dynasty orders and decorations occurred after the First Opium War, as Europeans began to flock to China, rendering the traditional foreign policies inadequate for contemporary needs. Despite the establishment of the Zongli Yamen, an office dedicated to handling foreign affairs, cultural and ceremonial differences led to various conflicts and frictions. Faced with a significant number of foreigners employed in military, industrial, educational, and economic sectors in China, traditional Chinese rewards such as “top-rank insignia” or “imperial commendations” were insufficient to satisfy the foreigners. Therefore, in order to align with Western practises, the Qing dynasty created the system of orders and decorations.

In April of the 34th year of the Guangxu reign (AD 1908), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs approved a memorial to extend the awarding of the “Order of the Double Dragon” beyond foreigners, to include Qing dynasty foreign affairs officials and emissaries sent abroad. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs observed that the primary purpose of orders and decorations in Western countries was to honour their own nationals, whereas the Qing dynasty had done the opposite. During formal diplomatic occasions, foreigners would often wear formal attire adorned with all their awarded orders and decorations. However, Qing dynasty diplomats were frequently unable to wear their own national orders and decorations, having to wear only foreign ones instead. This reform was implemented to address this issue.

Due to the issuance of this precious star in the late 19th century, a period of increased diplomatic activity for the Qing dynasty compared to the past, the second edition of the Order of the Double Dragon, issued in the 23rd year of the Guangxu reign (AD 1897), saw significant production, distribution, and survival rates. As a result, it is the most commonly encountered version of the Order of the Double Dragon in modern collections.

The two versions of the Order of the Double Dragon have no significant differences in terms of class and system. The following table shows the correspondence between the levels of the Order of the Double Dragon and the recipients of the awards according to the regulations of the Order in the 7th year of Guangxu (AD 1881):

  First Class1st GradeSpecially bestowed upon monarchs of various nations.
2nd GradeGiven to the crown princes, royal family members, and nobility of various nations.
3rd GradeGiven to the aristocracy, high-classing ministers, heads of departments, and first-class envoys of various nations.
Second Class1st GradeGiven to second-class envoys of various nations.
2nd GradeGiven to third-class envoys, acting envoys, and chief tax officers of various nations.
3rd GradeGiven to first-class attachés, high-classing military officers, consuls general, and head instructors of various nations.
Third Class1st GradeGiven to second and third-class attachés, consuls, principal envoys’ staff, first-class naval officers, and deputy generals of the army serving as instructors of various nations.
2nd GradeGiven to vice consuls, second-class naval officers, and army brigadiers of various nations.
3rd GradeGiven to interpreters, marine officers, and assistant commanders of various nations.
Fourth ClassGiven to soldiers of various nations.
Fifth ClassGiven to businesspeople and artisans of various nations.

物件編號: M245

年代: 公元 1897-1909 年

材質: 銀, 珐瑯

尺寸: 89.4 x 48.1 x 9.4 mm

重量: 26.9 g

來源: 利物浦獎章2022







三級給各國世爵大臣、總理各部大 臣、頭等公使等
二級給各國三等公使、署理公使、總 稅務司等
三級給各國頭等參贊、武職大員、總 領事官、總教習等
三等一級給各國二三等參贊、領事官、正 使隨員、水師頭等管駕官、陸路 副將教習等
二級給各國副領事官、水師二等管駕 官、陸路參將等

類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 大英博物館 The British Museum


文化部典藏網 Ministry of Culture





陳悅,《龍星初暉: 清代寶星勳章圖史》(南京市 : 江蘇鳳凰文藝出版社,2019)。




