Countess Feodora Gleichen

Queen Victoria Double Jubilee Medal

(Full Size, With 1897 Clasp), Gold




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Item number: M270-2

Year: AD 1887 / 1897

Material: Gold

Size: 66.2 x 30.3 x 2.4 mm

Weight: 33.75 g


1. Liverpool Medals 2022

2. Noonans 2016

3. Spink 1990

This medal is the Gold Queen Victoria Double Jubilee Medal(Gold jubilee and diamond jubilee), awarded in AD 1887 and AD 1897 to commemorate the 50th and 60th anniversary of Queen Victoria’s accession to the throne.

The object is a circular gold medal featuring, on the obverse, a left-profile portrait of Queen Victoria wearing a diamond crown. Surrounding the portrait is an inscription in Latin reading “VICTORIA D.G. REGINA ET IMPERATRIX F.D.” The reverse side of the medal is inscribed with the English text “IN COMMEMORATION OF THE 50TH YEAR OF THE REIGN OF QUEEN VICTORIA · 21 JUNE 1887”. The edge of the medal is engraved with the title and name of the award recipient, “Countess Feodora Gleichen.”

The medal is attached to a blue ribbon with two white stripes as decoration and is tied in a bow, indicating that the recipient is female. The ribbon also features a clasp inscribed with “1897” and a crown above it.

The Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee Medal in gold was awarded exclusively to members of the royal family and foreign nobility, while the silver version was given to military officers, cabinet members, and other similar ranks. Non-commissioned officers attending the ceremonial parade received the bronze version. Recipients of the 1887 Golden Jubilee Medal were awarded an additional clasp inscribed with “1897.”

The Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee Medal awarded to mayors and municipal officials in various regions was designed in a unique diamond shape, with floral three-leaf patterns at each of the four corners. The obverse depicted an elderly Queen Victoria, while the reverse portrayed a younger Queen Victoria.

On March 14, AD 1897, the government announced in the official newspaper, “The London Gazette”, that Queen Victoria would continue the tradition of issuing jubilee medals first established ten years earlier for the Golden Jubilee, by issuing gold, silver, and bronze medals for the upcoming Diamond Jubilee in June. Queen Victoria was also the first British monarch to hold a Diamond Jubilee ceremony, a record that would not be surpassed until her great-granddaughter, Queen Elizabeth II.

Since her accession in AD 1837, by the time of the Diamond Jubilee in AD 1897, Queen Victoria’s reign had established Britain as an unrivalled colonial power and a leader in new technologies. The Diamond Jubilee celebrations attracted significant domestic and international attention, marking the first British royal event captured by new technological advancements in imaging, making it a definitive representation of the Victorian era.

This medal was awarded to Lady Feodora Gleichen, Countess of Gleichen, in the year AD 1922. She was the daughter of Prince Victor, the nephew of Queen Victoria, and was a renowned sculptor. Lady Gleichen graduated from the Slade School of Fine Art, and upon completing her studies, she regularly held exhibitions at the Royal Academy of Arts. She established her own studio and undertook numerous royal commissions, creating large-scale decorative sculptures for public spaces, including the statue of Florence Nightingale at Derby Royal Infirmary and the bronze statue of Diana in Hyde Park, London. Her smaller decorative pieces also won her a bronze medal at the 1900 Paris Exposition Universelle.

物件編號: M270-2

年代: 公元 1887 / 1897 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 66.2 x 30.3 x 2.4 mm

重量: 33.75 g


1. 利物浦獎章 2022

2. 諾南斯 2016

3. 斯賓克拍賣行 1990


該物件的外型為一枚圓形金質獎章,正面為維多利亞女王面朝左側、頭戴鑽石皇冠的肖像,周圍的銘文刻有女王的拉丁名諱和頭銜「VICTORIA D.G. REGINA ET IMPERATRIX F.D」。獎章背面則刻有英文銘文「紀念維多利亞女王即位50周年 · 1887年6月21日」。獎章的側面刻有此枚獎章的獲獎者的頭銜和名諱「Countess Feodora Gleichen」(費奧多拉· 格萊興伯爵夫人)。

獎章綬帶為藍色, 在兩側各有一道白色條紋作裝飾,綬帶為蝴蝶結樣式,表明該獎章的配戴者為女性。綬帶上附有一枚刻有「1897」字樣的銘牌,上方有一頂皇冠。





此枚獎章的獲獎者為英國的費奧多拉· 格萊興伯爵夫人。她是維多利亞女王的姪子── 維克多王子的長女,也是一位知名的雕塑家。 格萊興伯爵夫人畢業於斯萊德美術學院,完成學業後,她定期在皇家藝術學院舉辦展覽,並建立個人的工作室,承接了許多項皇室的作品委託,為公共場所創作大型裝飾雕塑,包括德比郡皇家醫院的南丁格爾像、英國海德公園的黛安娜女神青銅像…等。她製作的小型裝飾品也在公元1900年的巴黎世界博覽會上贏得銅牌。

類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 皇家格林威治博物館 Royal Museums Greenwich

加拿大 戰爭博物館 Canadian War Museum


Borna Barac, Reference Catalogue Orders Medals and Decorations of the World : instituted until 1945 : Part II Bronze Book D-G (Craotia:OBOL d.o.o. Zagreb, 2010)
