ROC, 5 Cents Nickel Coin

ROC Era 12, Kwangtung Province

民國 半毫鎳幣

民國十二年 廣東省造

Item number: A484

Year: AD 1923

Material: Nickel

Size: 19.4 x 19.4 x 1.1 mm

Weight: 2.65 g

Manufactured by: Guangdong Province Mint


1. Noonans 2022

2. D. L. F. Sealy Collection

This nickel coin was issued by the Republic of China government in Guangdong Province in the 12th year of the Republic (AD 1923). It is a “5 Cents Nickel Coin.”

On the obverse side of the nickel coin, the outermost edge features a toothed border. Encircling the top and bottom are the English inscriptions “KWANG-TUNG PROVINCE” and “FIVE CENTS,” respectively. These are separated on either side by a six-petal floral design. In the centre is the number “5,” flanked by two bundles of rice stalks. A beaded circle separates the central design from the outer English inscriptions.

On the reverse side of the nickel coin, the outermost edge also features a toothed border. The top and bottom edges are inscribed in standard script with “中華民國十二年” (12th Year of the Republic of China) and “廣東省造” (Made in Guangdong Province), respectively. These inscriptions are separated by nine-pointed star designs on either side. In the centre, there is a dot and the four characters “半毫鎳幣” (5 Cents Nickel Coin) arranged vertically. A beaded circle separates the central and outer inscriptions. The coin’s edge is smooth.

This nickel coin design originates from the “Five Cents Nickel Coin” produced in the 8th year of the Republic of China (AD 1919), with only the denomination modified. The redesign for the 5 Cents Nickel Coin began in the 10th year of the Republic (AD 1921). Due to its similar size to the Five Cents Nickel Coin, the two could be used interchangeably. However, despite multiple official prohibitions, the 5 Cents Nickel Coin issued in the 12th year of the Republic (AD 1923) was still frequently used in place of the Five Cents Nickel Coin, with limited success in preventing this practise.

The background of the nickel coin issuance dates back to AD 1922 when Chen Jiongming, disagreeing with the Northern Expedition, launched a coup. This forced Sun Yat-sen to leave Shanghai for Guangdong in AD 1923 (the 12th year of the Republic) to establish a revolutionary government. In AD 1925, the National Government of the Republic of China was formally established in Guangzhou, and the Guangdong provincial government was reorganised.

物件編號: A484

年代: 公元 1923 年


尺寸: 19.4 x 19.4 x 1.1 mm

重量: 2.65 g

製造地: 廣東造幣廠


1. 諾南斯 2022

2. 大衛.萊斯利.福布斯.西利舊藏


鎳幣的正面,從最外圍為齒邊,再來上下分別環繞「KWANG-TUNG PROVINCE」與「FIVE CENTS」的英文字樣,中間兩側由六瓣花瓣的圖樣隔開。正中間為數字「5」,兩側環繞兩束稻穗,並用珠圈分隔最外側的英文。


此鎳幣樣式為民國8年(公元1919年)生產的「伍仙鎳幣」(5 Cents Nickel Coin, ROC Era 8,),僅修改幣值。半毫鎳幣的改版最早是在民國10年(公元1921年),由於與伍仙鎳幣大小相似,所以可以混用。然而在民國12年(公元1923年)發行的半毫鎳幣,雖官方多次禁止折抵,但成效不佳。


類似/相同物件 請看:

文化部典藏網 Ministry of Culture



張惠信,《中國貨幣史話目錄》(中和: 編著者, 1982)。


