ROC, 10 Cents Brass Coin,

ROC Era 5,

Kwangtung Province

民國 壹仙銅幣



Item number: A493

Year: AD 1916

Material: Brass

Size: 28.3 x 28.3 x 1.2 mm

Weight: 6.6 g

Manufactured by: Guangdong Mint


1. Noonans 2022

2. D. L. F. Sealy Collection

This coin is from the fifth year of the Republic of China (AD 1916), minted by the Guangdong Mint of the Military Government of the Republic of China. The obverse and reverse sides of the coin exhibit slight abrasions, but these do not hinder the identification of the inscriptions and designs on its surfaces.

On the obverse side of the coin, the central feature is the denomination “1,” surrounded by the inscriptions “KWANG-TUNG PROVINCE” and “ONE CENT,” along with two four-petal flower motifs. The reverse side prominently displays the characters “壹仙銅幣” (One Cent Brass Coin), with the inscriptions “中華民國五年” (Fifth Year of the Republic of China) and “廣東省造” (Made in Guangdong Province) at the top and bottom edges, and two four-petal flower motifs in between.

The minting of machine-struck copper coins began in Guangdong. At the request of Zhang Zhidong, the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, the Guangdong Mint was established in the 15th year of Guangxu (AD1889) to produce Guangxu Tongbao copper coins and silver dollars. In the 32nd year of Guangxu (AD 1906), the Guangdong Mint was renamed “Guangdong Mint of the Ministry of Finance.” After the Xinhai Revolution, it was renamed again to the “Guangdong Mint of the Military Government of the Republic of China,” and in the first year of the Republic of China (AD 1912), began minting one-cent coins, continuing until the 7th year of the Republic of China (AD 1918).

The one-cent coins from the first year of the Republic of China (AD 1912) are currently only seen in copper and are rare. Versions from the 3rd year (AD 1914) to the 7th year (AD 1918) of the Republic of China can be found in both copper and brass.

物件編號: A493

年代: 公元 1916 年

材料: 黃銅

尺寸: 28.3 x 28.3 x 1.2 mm

重量: 6.6 g

製造地: 廣東造幣廠


1. 諾南斯 2022

2. 大衛.萊斯利.福布斯.西利舊藏


該錢幣的正面,中央有明顯的面值「1」字樣,外圈環有「KWANG-TUNG PROVINCE」、「ONE CENT」文字,並鑲有兩朵四瓣花圖案。在錢幣的背面,中央有顯著的「壹仙銅幣」四字,外圈上緣和下緣分別鑄有「中華民國五年」、「廣東省造」等字。同時外圈亦飾有兩朵四瓣花圖樣。



類似/相同物件 請看:

文化部典藏網 Ministry of Culture




周沁園、李平文 編,《中國機制銅元目錄》(上海:上海科學技術出版社,2021)

鄭仁傑, 《中國銅元鑑賞》 , (采石積圖書公司,1997)

許光, 《中國銅幣圖錄新版》, (黑龍江人民出版社,2008)
