Order of the Dragon of Annam

(Full Size), Grand Officer



Item number: M261

Year: AD 1886-2024 (present)

Material: Silver, Silver-Gilt and Enamel

Size: order 129.4 x 51.4 x 9.0 / star 93.7 x 94.6 x 17.2 mm

Weight: order 29.8 / star 77.1 g

Provenance: Künker 2024

This set of objects is the breast badge and star of the grand officer class of the Order of the Dragon of Annam, conferred after AD 1896 by the Emperor of Annam. The order was awarded for the services to the state, the French colonial government, or the emperor.

The breast badge is an eight-pointed silver gilt star with diamond cut rays emanating from a central medallion of blue enamel, bearing four characters in Annamese writing “Dong-Khang Hoang-De (同慶皇帝)” in gold, and four figures representing radiant suns, also in gold, encircled by a band of red enamel outlined in gold. It is topped by an imperial crown, with a green enamel dragon forming the suspension ring above. The ribbon with a rosette is red with orange edges, indicating it was conferred by the Emperor of Annam after AD 1896. The presence of the rosette suggests it belongs to the officer class.

The star consists of a hexadecagram formed by multiple diamond cut rays, lacking gold plating compared to the breast badge. Around the central blue enamel disc, there is a red-faced green dragon coiled around it.

The Order of the Dragon of Annam can be categorised into four types:

AD 1886 -1896: military basis (Imperial Order of the Dragon of Annam)White ribbon bordered on each side by a wide orange border
AD 1886 -1896: civil basis (Imperial Order of the Dragon of Annam)Green ribbon bordered on each side by a wide orange border
After AD 1896: award  by the Emperor of Annam (Order of the Dragon of Annam)Red ribbon bordered on each side by a wide yellow border
After AD 1896: awarded by the  French government (Order of the Dragon of Annam)Green ribbon bordered on each side by a wide orange border

It comprised five classes, structured akin to the Legion of Honour. Also, according to the Đại Nam thực lục, specific terms were given to recipients:

ClassesTerms for civilian recipientsTerms for military recipients
Grand CrossKhôi kỳ long tinhTrác dị long tinh
Grand OfficerChương hiền long tinhThù huân long tinh 
CommanderBiểu đức long tinhSinh năng long tinh
Officer Minh nghĩa long tinhTưởng trung long tinh
KnightGia thiện long tinhKhuyến công long tinh

The recipient of this order is Brigadier General Albert de Fauque de Jonquières of the French Colonial Infantry Regiment. At the age of 19, he enlisted in the French Colonial Infantry Regiment and participated in World War I, during which he sustained severe injuries to his hand and shoulder. Subsequently, he undertook missions in French protectorates, including Syria, Lebanon, and French Indochina. Albert de Fauque de Jonquières dedicated his entire career to the military, retiring in AD 1948 to engage in industrial and diplomatic intelligence missions upon his return to France.

The historical context of the Order of the Dragon of Annam is rooted in the French conquest of Vietnam (AD 1858–AD 1885), a protracted conflict between the Second French Empire, subsequently the French Third Republic, and the Vietnamese empire of Đại Nam. In AD 1885, the French emerged victorious, annexing Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia into French Indochina in AD 1887.

The Tonkin expedition (AD 1883-AD 1885) enabled France to establish a protectorate over Annam, situated between Tonkin and Cochinchina, on June 6, AD 1884. In recognition of this alliance, Emperor Dong Khanh instituted the Imperial Order of the Dragon of Annam on March 14, AD 1886, to honour the civil and military contributions of Annamites and foreigners. It was renamed as the Order of the Dragon of Annam in AD 1896.

By decree on May 10, AD 1896, it was incorporated as one of France’s colonial Orders and renamed as Order of the Dragon of Annam, to be awarded interchangeably by either the Emperor of Annam or the French government. Subsequent regulations, from July 14, AD 1933, mandated that appointees must be at least 29 years old and possess a minimum of nine years of civil or military service or professional practise, with overseas service duration being factored in at double or triple its actual duration, contingent upon its nature. Abolished by the communists on May 5, AD 1950, along with other colonial orders, following France’s grant of independence to Vietnam in AD 1949, the Imperial Order of the Dragon of Annam was reinstated on October 30, AD 2002, by Prince Bửu Chánh as the provisional Grandmaster under the auspices of the Imperial Nguyễn Dynasty of Vietnam, by the Chapters and Articles of the Order’s constitution. Religious ceremonies marking the revival of the Order were also conducted as per the desires of the Imperial Nguyễn Family.

The precise date of bestowal for this Order of the Dragon of Annam is unknown; however, throughout Europe, including badges awarded by France during World War II, the majority were locally manufactured. Furthermore, compared to dragons on other insignias, this Order of the Dragon of Annam exhibits a notably unique design. Additionally, the craftsmanship of the ribbon on the medal appears relatively crude. These clues suggest that this order was likely manufactured locally in Annam.

物件編號: M261

年代: 公元 1886-2024 年 (迄今)

材質: 銀, 銀鍍金和琺瑯

尺寸: 勳章 129.4 x 51.4 x 9.0 / 星章 93.7 x 94.6 x 17.2 mm

重量: 勳章 29.8 / 星章 77.1 g

來源: 昆克 2024





公元1886 -1896年: 軍事 (皇家安南之龍勳章) 白色緞帶,兩側各有寬橘色邊框
公元1886 -1896年: 民事 (皇家安南之龍勳章)綠色緞帶,兩側各有寬橘色邊框
公元1896年後: 由安南皇帝授予 (安南之龍勳章)紅色緞帶,兩側各有寬黃色邊框
公元 1896年後: 由法國政府授予 (安南之龍勳章)綠色緞帶,兩側各有寬橘色邊框



此枚勳章的獲獎者是法國殖民地軍隊的准將Albert de Fauque de Jonquieres。他19歲時加入了法國殖民地步兵團,並參與了第一次世界大戰。戰爭期間,他的手和肩膀受到嚴重傷害。之後,他先後在法國的保護國執行任務,包括敘利亞、黎巴嫩和印度支那等地。Albert de Fauque de Jonquieres將一生奉獻給軍隊,直到1948年才離開軍隊回到法國,從事工業和外交情報任務。



根據公元1896年5月10日的法令,它成為殖民地勳章之一,更名為安南之龍勳章,可以由安南皇帝或法國政府隨意頒發。從公元1933年7月14日起,新的規定要求任命者必須至少29歲,並且必須具有至少九年的文職或軍事服役或專業實踐,海外服役的時間被計為其實際時間的兩倍或三倍,取決於其性質。由於法國於公元1949年承認越南獨立,安南之龍勳章與其他殖民地勳章一起於公元1950年5月5日被共產主義者廢除。 公元2002年10月30日,安南之龍勳章由阮朝王子阮福寶正根據獎章憲章的章節和條文重新建立,相關的宗教儀式亦在皇室的要求下舉行。


類似/相同物件 請看:

法國 桑斯博物館 Museums of Sens, France


法國 龐貝萊堡博物館 Fort de la Pompelle Museum, France







