Kaisar-i-Hind Medal

(Full size)

Gold, Edward VII




Item number: M265

Year: AD 1900-1947

Material: Gold

Size: 120.5 x 41.0 x 3.7 mm

Weight: 47.05 g

Provenance: Noonans 2024

The “Kaisar-i-Hind Medal for Public Service in India” was established on April 10, AD 1900, by Queen Victoria. It was awarded by the Emperor or Empress of India to “any person who has rendered important and useful service in the promotion of the public interests of India, irrespective of their race, occupation, or gender.”

The appearance of the medal is an oval gold medal. The obverse features the royal cypher of Edward VII, King of the United Kingdom and Emperor of India, surrounded by a laurel wreath. The reverse has a central scroll inscribed with “Kaisar-i-Hind,” surrounded by the words “FOR PUBLIC SERVICE IN INDIA.” There is a crown at the top of the oval medal. The ribbon of the medal is dark blue and includes a pin.

Kaisar” in Hindustani means Emperor of India, a term derived from the Roman Imperial title “Caesar,” signifying a monarch or emperor. This title was used by British monarchs in India from AD 1877 to AD 1947.

The medal initially had two grades: gold and silver. During George V’s reign, a new bronze grade was introduced, and the medal was redesigned. Only the gold medal was awarded directly by the Indian monarch based on the recommendation of the Secretary of State for India, while the silver and bronze medals were awarded by the Governor-General.

The medal was instituted by Queen Victoria in AD 1900. Initially, its obverse featured Queen Victoria’s royal cypher. Upon the accession of King Edward VII, the original design was retained but the obverse was altered to feature his own royal cypher. Subsequently, upon the accession of King George V, he also replaced the obverse with his own royal cypher and made adjustments to the surrounding decorative patterns of the medal.

The Kaisar-i-Hind medal during George V’s reign could be divided into two types:

TypeFeaturePlace of manufacture
1st TypeHollow badgeWithin UK
2nd TypeSolid badgeWithin India

Although the Kaisar-i-Hind Medal for Public Service was never formally abolished, it ceased to be awarded after India declared independence in AD 1947.

In AD 1897, India experienced a severe plague outbreak. Many British officers and soldiers, as well as Indian residents, provided exceptional assistance. However, there were no appropriate awards or titles to honour these outstanding contributions at the time. After reporting and discussions, the Viceroy of India and the Secretary of State for India recognised the need for a new award and proposed this to Queen Victoria, who ultimately approved it. Thus, the Kaisar-i-Hind Medal for Public Service was established.

物件編號: M265

年代: 公元 1900-1947 年

材質: 黃金

尺寸: 120.5 x 41.0 x 3.7 mm

重量: 47.05 g

來源: 諾南斯 2024


獎章的外型為橢圓金質獎章,正面刻有英國國王兼印度皇帝愛德華七世的皇家記號,周圍以月桂葉作為裝飾圍繞,獎章背面中央則有一條刻著「Kaisar-i-Hind」字樣的布幔,周圍刻有「FOR PUBLIC SERVICE IN INDIA」,在獎章橢圓本體的上方有一頂皇冠。這枚獎章的綬帶為深藍色,綬帶上附有一枚別針。








類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 國家陸軍博物館  National Army Museum


國家信託收藏 National Trust Collection




Borna Barac, Reference Catalogue Orders, Medals and Decorations of the World – Part II (Zagreb: OBOL, 2010)

