Sichuan Copper Coin ,

50 Cash

ROC era 1, Sichuan Mint




民國元年 四川鑄幣廠造

Item number: A471

Year: AD 1912

Material: Copper

Size: 36.9 x 36.9 x 2.2 mm

Weight: 17.85 g


1. Noonans 2022

2.D. L. F. Sealy Collection

This “Sichuan Copper Coin” (Denomination: Fifty Cash), features the four characters “四川銅幣” (Sichuan Copper Coin) within a central pearl circle on the obverse side, arranged vertically and horizontally. The centre is adorned with a hibiscus flower pattern. The upper edge of the pearl circle bears the characters “軍政府造” (Minted by the Military Government), and the lower edge reads “當制錢五十文” (Denomination: Fifty Cash), indicating its value.

On the reverse side, the central large circle contains the character “漢” (Han) in seal script, with numerous horizontal and vertical lines beneath it. Hence, coin collectors also refer to it as the “Han Character Copper Coin”. The text and patterns are clear and well-defined, with a suitable depth. Although the coin has green patina, it appears naturally aged, reflecting the historical era’s deposition. The inscriptions and edges, despite showing signs of wear, still retain visible details.

Notably, there are 18 small circles surrounding the “Han” character, representing the 18 provinces of the Han people within the Pass at that time. This symbolises the unity of the 18 provinces in their collective effort to “Expel the Tatars and Restore China”. Readers might also consider the historical significance of the “Iron Blood Eighteen-Star Flag”.

Additionally, the birth of this “Han” character coin is traced back to the establishment of the Great Han Military Government following the Sichuan Railway Protection Movement. This explains the presence of the “Han” character on the coin’s reverse. The coin served both military and civilian purposes at that time, being used to prepare military funds and cover military expenses, as well as stabilising prices in Sichuan.

This copper coin was not only a significant circulating currency in history but also bears the historical marks of the Xinhai Revolution, witnessing the grand history of the early Republican era and the struggles of revolutionary pioneers. It encapsulates historical, artistic, and collectible value, making it a unique revolutionary relic highly sought after in the ancient coin market and by collectors.

物件編號: A471

年代: 公元 1912 年


尺寸: 36.9 x 36.9 x 2.2 mm

重量: 17.85 g


1. 諾南斯2022

2. 大衛.萊斯利.西利舊藏







類似/相同物件 請看:

世界錢幣博物館 CMA coin

臺灣 國立歷史博物館 National Museum Of History


周沁園、李平文 編,《中國機制銅元目錄》(上海:上海科學技術出版社,2021)

鄭仁傑, 《中國銅元鑑賞》 , (采石積圖書公司,1997)

許光, 《中國銅幣圖錄新版》, (黑龍江人民出版社,2008)
