National Order of Vietnam,

(Full Size), Knight Class


Item number: M234

Year: AD 1950-1975

Material: Gilt and Enamel

Size: 109.5 x 40.6 x 1.2 mm

Weight: 25.1 g

Provenance: Aberdeen Medals 2024

The “National Order of Vietnam” was established by Emperor Bao Dai of the State of Vietnam in AD 1950. It is a combined military-civilian decoration awarded to individuals who have made significant contributions, performed extraordinary deeds, exhibited bravery, or served the nation with exemplary virtue and outstanding knowledge. This order is also the highest distinction awarded by the Republic of Vietnam.

The obverse of the order features a red enamel disk with a blue enamel edge. The centre of the disk is inscribed with the gold-coloured phrase “Tổ-Quốc Tri-ân,” which is the motto of the order, meaning “The Gratitude of the Fatherland.” Surrounding the disk are five golden rays, with a green enamel dragon decoration extending between the rays and up to the order’s suspension, forming a dragon’s head. The order is single-sided, with no image on the back. The ribbon is red with yellow stripes on both sides, identical to the ribbon design of the Order Of The Dragon Of Annam.

As the National Order of Vietnam was modelled after the French Legion of Honour, it is similarly divided into five grades: Knight, Officer, Commander, Grand Officer, and Grand Cross. This particular order belongs to the fifth grade, the Knight class. The forms and wearing methods of the orders for each grade are detailed in the table below:

等級Class 勳章配戴形式 Manner of wearing order 
大十字騎士Knight Grand Cross 右肩飾帶上有勳章,星章配戴於右胸
Badge on sash on right shoulder, and star on right chest 
大軍官Grand Officer 星章配戴於右胸 Star on right chest 
指揮官Commander 領綬勳章Badge on necklet 
軍官Officer 襟綬勳章,帶上有花結,配戴於左胸
Badge on ribbon with rosette on left chest 
騎士Knight 襟綬勳章,配戴於左胸 Badge on ribbon on left chest 

During the Vietnam War, the National Order of Vietnam was awarded to allied personnel who supported the Republic of Vietnam and provided military assistance. This included numerous American military personnel, most of whom were political and military advisors to the Republic of Vietnam, as well as Australian military personnel. With the dissolution of the Republic of Vietnam in AD 1975, this order was also abolished.

物件編號: M234

年代: 公元 1950-1975 年

材質: 鍍金和琺瑯

尺寸: 109.5 x 40.6 x 1.2 mm

重量: 25.1 g

來源: 亞伯丁獎章 2024


勳章的正面以紅色琺瑯圓盤為主體,帶有藍色琺瑯的邊緣,圓盤中央刻有金色的字樣「Tổ-Quốc Tri-ân」,為該騎士團的訓言,意思是「祖國的感恩」。圓盤周圍散發五道金色光束,光芒之間則有綠色琺瑯形成一條裝飾的龍,延伸至勳章的懸掛處,為龍頭的外型。勳章為單面設計,背面沒有圖像。保國勳章的綬帶以紅色為底,左右兩側有黃色條紋,和大南龍星(安南之龍勳章)的綬帶設計相同。

由於保國勳章是依照法國的榮譽軍團勳章為原型設立,因此比照其規定分為五個級別,分別為騎士級 (chevalier)、軍官級(officer)、指揮官級commander、大軍官級(grand officer)、和大十字級(grand cross)。


等級Class 勳章配戴形式 Manner of wearing order 
大十字騎士Knight Grand Cross 右肩飾帶上有勳章,星章配戴於右胸
Badge on sash on right shoulder, and star on right chest 
大軍官Grand Officer 星章配戴於右胸 Star on right chest 
指揮官Commander 領綬勳章Badge on necklet 
軍官Officer 襟綬勳章,帶上有花結,配戴於左胸
Badge on ribbon with rosette on left chest 
騎士Knight 襟綬勳章,配戴於左胸 Badge on ribbon on left chest 

越戰期間, 保國勳章被頒發給支持越南共和國並派遣軍事協助的盟軍人員,其中包括多名美國軍人,大部分為越南共和國的政治和軍事顧問,以及澳大利亞的軍事人員。隨著公元1975年越南共和國的解體,這個勳章也隨之遭到廢止。

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