Qing Dynasty

1905 style Officer Lounge Suit Buttons

1905年式 軍官大禮服鈕扣

Item number: M227

Year: AD 1905-1912

Material: Brass

Size: Big 23.5 x 23.5 x 14.5 / Middle 19.3 x 19.3 x 11.8 / Small 15.9 x 15.9 x 10.4 mm

Weight: Big 3.15 / Middle 2.25 / Small 1.55 g

Provenance: Private Collector, Singapore, 2023

These are three differently sized lounge suit buttons for officers from the 1905 style. Unlike the plain brass buttons used by enlisted soldiers, the officers’ lounge suit buttons are adorned with a five-clawed dragon, symbolising the Qing Empire, with a fireball emerging from its mouth.

The Qing Empire’s adoption of Western-style military uniforms dates to the Taiping Rebellion, influenced by the “Ever Victorious Army” formed by the American Frederick Townsend Ward. This led to the hiring of foreign instructors to introduce Western drills, equipment, and uniforms. In AD 1885, Li Hongzhang established the Peiyang Military Academy, hiring German instructors and adopting German-style uniforms, which became the model for the Qing Empire’s army.

In December AD 1895, Yuan Shikai began the establishment of the “New Army” at Xiaozhan in Tianjin, significantly impacting modern Chinese politics with the emergence of the Beiyang Army. This new force was divided into five branches: infantry, cavalry, artillery, engineering, and logistics. In September AD 1904, based on the Beiyang Army, the Qing court formulated the “Military Uniform Regulations,” drawing on feedback from the Boer War and the Russo-Japanese War to introduce the “1905-style military uniform.”

The Beiyang military officers’ uniforms were categorized into three types: lounge suit, formal dress, and regular cloth. The black lounge suit was worn for court audiences and official visits, while the formal dress was in sky blue. The regular cloth uniforms varied with the seasons: dark blue for winter and earthy yellow for summer, always accompanied by a black forage cap.

物件編號: M227

年代: 公元 1905-1912 年

材質: 黃銅

尺寸: 大 23.5 x 23.5 x 14.5 / 中 19.3 x 19.3 x 11.8 / 小 15.9 x 15.9 x 10.4 mm

重量: 大 3.15 / 中 2.25 / 小 1.55 g

來源: 新加坡私人收藏 2023





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臺灣 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum


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