Gold Enamel Tianjin Provisional Government

Commemorative Medal


Item number: M260

Year: AD 1902

Material: Gold and Enamel

Size: 52.0 x 52.0 x 4.2 mm

Weight: 97.8 g

Manufactured by: Tenshodo, Tokyo


1. Spink 2024

2. Direct descendant of BT. MAJOR G.H.G MOCKLER.

This is a gold enamel “Tianjin Provisional Government Commemorative Medal” designed by the Eight-Nation Alliance in AD 1902, commemorating the “Tianjin Provisional Government” established by the Alliance to maintain public order from July 30, AD 1900, to August 15, AD 1902.

The obverse side of the commemorative medal features a toothed edge and a beaded circle, with the painted national flags of the Allied Powers that composed the provisional government. From left to right, these flags are of Germany, the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, and Russia. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was the only member of the Eight-Nation Alliance that did not participate in the provisional government. Below the flags, the Latin legend “PAX LABOR” is engraved on a coloured ribbon. The circular border of the medal bears a French legend: “GOUVERNEMENT PROVISOIRE DU DISTRICT DE TIENTSIN 1900-1902.”

The reverse side of the commemorative medal features a toothed edge, with the Chinese name of the provisional government “天津督統衙門” (Tianjin Governor’s Office) in the centre. This is surrounded by a wreath of laurel and oak leaves, symbolising victory and courage, respectively. Below the wreath are the initials “J.C.” of the designer, J. Chevt.

The edge of the commemorative medal is engraved with the recipient’s name and title: “BT. MAJOR G.H.G MOCKLER. CHIEF OF INTERNATIONAL POLICE. TIENTSIN. 1900-2.” Major Mockler, serving with the British Indian Army, participated in the Boxer Rebellion as part of the Eight-Nation Alliance. The Allied forces established a police force to maintain order in Tianjin under his command. This force consisted of military police drawn from the Allied troops, and the civil police units consisted of local recruits, which led by Europeans, Japanese, and Sikhs officers. This mixed foreign and Chinese police force was the precursor to modern policing in China. In AD 1902, after the Qing government, represented by Yuan Shikai, regained control of Tianjin, they modelled their police training after the Allied system established in Tianjin.

In addition, the edge of the medal bears the hallmark “K18” indicating its gold content and the manufacturer’s mark “TENSHODO.” Tenshodo, established in AD 1879, is a renowned Japanese watch and jewelry manufacturer that crafted accessories for the Meiji and Taisho Emperors. This commemorative medal was produced in three materials: gold, silver, and bronze, with mintages of 12, 60, and 153 pieces, respectively.

物件編號: M260

年代: 公元 1902 年

材質: 黃金, 琺瑯

尺寸: 52.0 x 52.0 x 4.2 mm

重量: 97.8 g

製造地: 天賞堂,東京


1. 斯賓克拍賣行 2024

2. 英國少校 G.H.G 莫克勒直系後裔


紀念章正面各有一道齒邊和珠圈,是組成臨時政府的聯軍彩繪國旗,從左至右依序為:德、美、法、英、義、日、俄,八國聯軍僅有奧匈帝國未參與臨時政府。國旗下方的彩結鐫刻拉丁銘文「PAX LABOR」(和平飄揚),外緣的環形銘文以法文鐫刻「GOUVERNEMENT PROVISOIRE DU DISTRICT DE TIENTSIN 1900-1902」(天津臨時政府 1900-1902)。

紀念章背面有一道齒邊,中央是臨時政府的中文稱謂「天津督統衙門」,兩側由月桂和橡樹枝葉,分別象徵勝利和勇氣的花環包圍。花環下方是設計師 J. Chevt的名字縮寫「J.C」。

紀念章邊緣鐫刻「BT. MAJOR G.H.G MOCKLER. CHIEF OF INTERNATIONAL POLICE. TIENTSIN. 1900-2.」,即受獎人姓名和頭銜「英國少校 G.H.G 莫克勒. 國際警察首長. 天津. 1900-2.」。莫克勒少校以英印軍身分參與八國聯軍之役,聯軍為維護天津的治安成立警察交由他指揮,分為從聯軍抽調出的軍事警察和就地招募中國成員,並由歐洲人、日本人和錫克人指揮的民事警察。這支外國跟中國人混編的警隊是中國近代警察的濫觴。公元1902年,袁世凱代表清政府收回天津後,效仿聯軍在天津的制度進行警察培訓。


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英國 大英博物館 The British Museum



