Léopold Augustin Charles Pallu de la Barrière

Business Card & French Navy Buttons



Item number: M240-2

Year: AD 1873

Material: Gilt

Size: Card 76.6 x 42.0 x 0.3 / Button 12.3 x 12.3 x 10.6 mm

Weight: per Button 1.75 g


1. La Galerie Numismatique 2023

2. Thierry De Maigret 2020

This is the personal business card of Léopold Augustin Charles Pallu de la Barrière, who devoted his life to the French Navy, along with seven naval buttons. The obverse of the card features his name and title in cursive French. The upper line reads his name, “Léopold Pallu de la Barrière,” and the lower line indicates his rank, “Capitaine de Vaisseau” (Captain). The reverse of the card is dated AD 1873, the year Léopold was appointed Governor of French Caledonia.

Attached to the business card are seven French Navy buttons, made of gilt material, used to secure the cuffs, epaulettes, or double-breasted fronts of uniforms. The buttons feature a serrated edge, and the front depicts a naval anchor symbol against a background of horizontal lines.

Léopold Augustin Charles Pallu de la Barrière was born in AD 1828 in Saintes, in western France. He officially joined the French Navy as an apprentice in AD 1844. In AD 1850, Léopold, then a sub-lieutenant, participated in the Crimean War. In AD 1860, he took part in the Second Opium War and French operations in Indochina, with his reports published under the title “Journal of the Expedition to China.” Subsequently, Léopold assisted the Qing government in suppressing the Taiping Rebellion and served as the Governor of French Caledonia. In AD 1884, he was promoted to Rear Admiral. Léopold retired in AD 1890 with the rank of Rear Admiral and passed away the following year.

物件編號: M240-2

年代: 公元 1873 年

材質: 鍍金

尺寸: 卡片 76.6 x 42.0 x 0.3 / 鈕扣 12.3 x 12.3 x 10.6 mm

重量: 每粒鈕扣 1.75 g


1. 貨幣畫廊 2023

2. 蒂埃里·德·梅格雷 2020

這是畢生服務於法國海軍的利奧波德·帕盧·德拉巴里埃的個人名片和七枚海軍鈕扣。名片正面以草寫的法文寫出名字和頭銜,上行是名字「Léopold Pallu de la Barrière」,下行為利奧波德的職務頭銜「Capitaine de Vaisseau」(船長)。名片背後標示日期為公元1873年,利奧波德在這一年將出任法屬喀里多尼亞總督。



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