Reformed Government of China

Huaxing Bank cupronickel Coin

10 Cents

ROC Era 29





Item number: A486

Year: AD 1940

Material: Cupronickel

Size: 18.9 x 18.9 x 1.4 mm

Weight: 3.0 g


1. Noonans 2022

2.D. L. F. Sealy Collection

This is a currency issued in AD 1940 by the Huaxing Bank under the Reformed Government of the Republic of China. On the obverse side, there is the floral character “壽” (Longevity), resembling a treasure bowl, with the words “拾” (Ten) and “分” (Cents) in regular script on either side, indicating the denomination. The edge is surrounded by a circular pattern.

On the reverse side, the centre features the character “華” (Hua) in seal script, flanked by a pair of wings. Above it are the characters “中華民國” (Republic of China), and below is the year “二十九年” (Year 29). There is a five-pointed star on each side.

In the 26th year (AD 1937), after Japan occupied Nanjing, they established a puppet regime called the “Reformed Government of the Republic of China” in the 27th year (AD 1938). The leader was Liang Hongzhi, then Premier of the Executive Yuan, who governed Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, and the special municipalities of Nanjing and Shanghai. The purpose of the “Reformed Government” was to “control China with Chinese” and to “divide China.”

In the 29th year (AD 1940),Liang founded the Huaxing Commercial Bank in Shanghai, primarily to provide foreign exchange services needed by the Japanese military for foreign trade, and issued banknotes and metal subsidiary coins known as “Huaxing notes,” disrupting China’s financial system. This coin was born out of that context.

In March of the 29th year (March, AD 1940),Wang Jingwei of the Chongqing Government sought cooperation with Japan, taking over the “Reformed Government of the Republic of China,” the “Provisional Government of the Republic of China,” and the “Mengjiang United Autonomous Government,” and established a government in Nanjing, known as the “National Government.”

In the 31st year (AD 1942), Wang established the “Central Reserve Bank,” and the currency issued by the former “Huaxing Bank” was replaced by the currency of Wang’s “Central Reserve Bank.”

On 15 August, in the 34th year (AD 1945), Japan surrendered.  

Wang Jingwei’s “National Government” announced its dissolution the following day. After the victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan, all resources were taken over by the Chongqing Government.

Liang Hongzhi, one of the founders of the Reformed Government and the Huaxing Bank, was executed for treason in the 35th year (AD 1946).

物件編號: A486

年代: 公元 1940 年

材質: 白銅

尺寸: 18.9 x 18.9 x 1.4 mm

重量: 3.0 g


1. 諾南斯 2022


這是一枚AD 1940年,由中華民國維新政府轄下的華興銀行,所發行的貨幣。正面中心內為篆書「華」字,兩邊各環繞一隻翅膀,上為「中華民國」四字,下為紀年「二十九年」,兩側各有一枚五星。反面為花體「壽」字,形如聚寶盆,旁邊各有楷書「拾」、「分」二字,表明幣值,周邊環繞迴文。

民國26年(AD 1937),日本佔南京後,在民國27年(AD 1938)又成立一個魁儡政府「中華民國維新政府」,其統領者為時任行政院長,梁鴻志,負責管轄江蘇、浙江、安徽等三省以及南京、上海兩個特別市。目的便是為了「以華制華」、「分割中國」。

梁於民國29年(AD 1940)在上海成立華興商業銀行,以提供日軍外貿所需的外匯業務為主,並發行稱作「華興券」的紙幣及金屬輔幣,破壞中國金融。該錢幣便是在此背景下誕生。

民國29年3月(AD 1940,三月),重慶政府的汪精衛與日本方面尋求合作,接管原「中華民國維新政府」、「中華民國臨時政府」和「蒙疆聯合自治區」,在南京建立「國民政府」。

民國31年(AD 1942),汪開辦「中央儲備銀行」,原「華興銀行」發行的貨幣,被汪政府的「偽中央儲備銀行」貨幣取代。

民國34年(AD 1945)8月15日,日本投降。汪精衛的「國民政府」隔日宣告解散。抗日戰爭勝利後的一切資源由重慶政府接收清理。而當時建立維新政府及華興銀行的創辦人之一,梁鴻志,也在民國35年(AD 1946)以叛國罪之名被處以槍決。

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