Nepal Kingdom,

Overseas Service Medal

尼泊爾王國 海外服務獎章

Item number: M235

Year: AD 1964

Material: Silver

Size: 93.6 x 37.4 x 2.4 mm

Weight: 31.6 g

Provenance: Aberdeen Medals 2024

The Nepal Overseas Service Medal was established by King Mahendra Bir Bikram Sakhadev of Nepal in AD 1963. It is awarded to Nepalese military officers and police personnel. This medal is characterised by a prominent five-pointed star and year of Nepal Sambat.

On the obverse side of the medal, there is a conspicuous five-pointed star with the Nepalese national flag depicted in the centre. The lower edge is adorned with an inscription in Devanagari script, reading ” LET THE WISE SACRIFICE FOR OTHERS.” The reverse side of the medal displays the establishment year, 2020 in Nepal Sambat, corresponding to AD 1963. The outer edge features the inscription ” HIS MAJESTY KING MAHENDRA BIR BIKRAM SAKHADEV. ” in Devanagari script. Additionally, the medal is suspended from a ribbon of white and teal stripes.

This medal was established during the Kingdom of Nepal period. Since Nepal became a member of the United Nations in AD 1955, it has actively participated in most UN peacekeeping operations, making significant contributions to overseas missions. This medal is awarded to military and police personnel who have participated in overseas peacekeeping operations since AD 1963.

King Mahendra Bir Bikram Sakhadev, reigned from AD 1955 to AD 1972. In AD 1959, the Kingdom of Nepal adopted a constitution and held elections, but in AD 1961, he dissolved the parliament and the first democratically elected government, establishing an autocratic regime.

Nepal Sambat, a lunar calendar established in the late 9th century. In AD 2008, it became the national calendar of Nepal.

物件編號: M235

年代: 公元 1964 年

材質: 銀 

尺寸: 93.6 x 37.4 x 2.4 mm

重量: 31.6 g

來源: 亞伯丁獎章 2024






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