Marshal Waldersee

Homecoming Silver Commemorative Badge



Item number: M225

Year: AD 1901

Material: Silver

Size: 31.1 x 31.1 mm

Weight: 56.25 g (with box)

Provenance: WAG 2024

This is a silver commemorative badge issued in August AD 1901 to celebrate the return of Field Marshal Alfred von Waldersee, the commander of the German expeditionary forces, from China. The obverse side of the badge features a beaded circle around the edge. Inside, there is a half-length portrait of Field Marshal von Waldersee in military uniform adorned with medals. The upper edge of the medal is inscribed with the German title “GENERALFELDMARSCHALL GRAF v.WALDERSEE,” meaning “Field Marshal Count von Waldersee.”

The reverse side of the badge also features a beaded circle along the edge. The lower edge is inscribed with the date of the expeditionary forces’ return, “AUGUST 1901.” The central image intricately depicts a scene outside the port of Hamburg, where the SMY Hohenzollern, exclusive to Kaiser Wilhelm II, is saluting a troopship. The upper edge of the medal is inscribed with “RÜCKKEHR A. CHINA. ANKUNFT I. DEUTSCHLAND,” which translates to “Return from China, Arrival in Germany.”

Field Marshal Alfred von Waldersee came from a noble German family, hence the middle name “von.” Both his father and grandfather were generals. On June 20, AD 1900, upon receiving news of the assassination of German Minister Clemens von Ketteler in China, Kaiser Wilhelm II promoted Waldersee, then Chief of the General Staff, to Field Marshal and appointed him to command the German expeditionary force. He also secured his role as the overall commander of the Eight-Nation Alliance forces.

However, by the time Waldersee arrived in China, the Allied forces had already captured Beijing. Thus, his primary tasks were to suppress the remaining Boxer forces in northern China and to negotiate with the Qing government. Beginning in March AD 1901, to avoid escalating tensions with Britain and Russia, Waldersee gradually sent German troops back home. He returned to Hamburg, Germany, in August AD 1901. Shortly after his return, Waldersee passed away on March 5, AD 1904, at the age of 71.

物件編號: M225

年代: 公元 1901 年


尺寸: 31.1 x 31.1 mm

重量: 56.25 g (含盒)

來源: 瓦格 2024

這是一枚公元1901年8月,恭賀指揮德國遠征軍的瓦德西元帥從中國歸來,所發行的銀質紀念章。徽章正面的周圍是一道珠圈,內部是身著戎裝和勳章的瓦德西元帥半身胸像,上緣是德文頭銜「GENERALFELDMARSCHALL GRAF v.WALDERSEE」,即「陸軍元帥 伯爵 馮·瓦德西」。

徽章背面亦有一道珠圈,下緣是遠征軍歸國的日期「AUGUST 1901」,中間則細膩刻劃發生在漢堡港外,左側是專屬德皇威廉二世的霍亨索倫號遊艇向右側的運兵船施放禮炮的一幕。獎章上緣鐫刻「RÜCKKEHR A.CHINA.ANKUNFT I.DEUTSCHLAND」即「從中國歸返抵達德國」。


類似/相同物件 請看:

英國 格林威治皇家博物館 Royal Museums Greenwich

澳洲 澳大利亞戰爭紀念館 The Australian War Memorial


Lynn E. Bodin, The Boxer Rebellion (London: Osprey Publishing, 1979)

Peter Harrington, Peking 1900: The Boxer Rebellion (Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2001)

Jan Kocvar, “Germany and the Boxer Uprising in China,” West Bohemian Historical Review, 2015, pp. 121-167

